To the person who started this thread: Thank you. I was so happy to read Deborah's own words.
I'm angry for what has happened with the copyright violation issues. Grateful to see that things are finally being resolved. So grateful that I just contributed to her cause.
-AudeSapere (meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom/Understanding; Dare to Think for Yourself)
edit to add: I still have my original copies of CoC and ISOCF that I purchased directly from Commentary Press about 13 years ago. I had already walked away from the org over a decade before then. The books helped me understand that I was correct in my decision to leave and that I would never, ever return. People can leave without the books, but having them helps us to understand that which we likely could not know without Ray's personal details of what occurs/occured behind closed doors with the GB. -Aude.