I have only read a few posts on the first page of this thread...
Regarding the Proselytizing/NotProselytizing debate... I have spoken with MANY atheists. I never once had a feeling that the Atheist was trying to convert me to his/her belief(s). In fact, quite the opposite.
Religious people, however, continually try to get me to their churches and study groups. And they try some very, very tricky means to do so.
In my experience, Atheists - for the most part - just logically discuss the 'facts' as they know them and seem to more-freely admit that they do not have all the answers. They seem less concerned with 'converting' me. The focus seems more focused on using and developing logical critical-thinking skills than on emotion and 'blind faith'.
They also seem more inclined to see the person as uniquely individually. And if that person is happy with (or substantially reliant on) their chosen belief system - and it's actually *working* for that person - maybe just let them continue and not pressure a change.
My strongly religious aunt worked for several years for a company run by prominent Atheists. She was reluctant to tell people that she was working there. But, guess what~!!?? She was so surprised that they were the kindest managers and owners that she had EVER worked for. They were tolerant of her Christian views and affiliations. They were as generous to her as they were to all employees. And this surprised her. A LOT.