Welcome JohnPaul. It's nice to have you join us.
My parents started studying with the JW's many, many years ago when I was 10.
Unfortunately, our involvement with the JW organization did not make for a happy family life for me and my siblings. Nor did it make my parents marriage happy.
In fact, the intrusion of Watchtower Society into our lives created a very bad family life. My parents divorced after 35 years of marriage and my siblings and I have fractured relationships with ourselves.
It also led to our isolation from both sides of our very large, extended family.
Please be wary when your study conductor (and later the elders) try to tell you how to live your life.
This is a very good forum for discussing all things related to Jehovah's witnesses.
You can easily search 20+ years worth of discussion here.
-Aude Sapere (meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom/Understanding; Dare to Think for Yourself)