Thank you LMSA.
original reddit post (removed).
Thank you LMSA.
original reddit post (removed).
On this page...
Debra wrote: "...every few months he takes off to Thailand to cheat on his wife with prostitutes with your patreons donations, no it's not gossip no it's not lies,..."
This statement is not correct.
So, in practicality, this statement is a lie.
Please everyone, we need to keep our facts straight.
Lloyd did *not* admit to going to Thailand every few months.
In fact, if I recall correctly, he admitted to just *ONE* trip to Thailand [to cheat on his wife with a 'girlfriend' who is a sex-worker].
What he admitted to on the infamous video - that he says he was forced to do (because Kim S made a statement about him) - was visit sex-workers every few months for the past several years.
The assumption at the time by people watching the video was that the sex-workers were located in Croatia, possibly also some in England, and maybe, just maybe a time in Texas. And, of course, that one infamous time in Thailand during Christmas and NewYear's Eve 2021.
When repeating details that are not favorable to someone (ie: Lloyd) or something (ie: Watchtower.Org) it's really important to not exaggerate or assume that you have the correct details.
When mis-statements are presented as truth but the facts show something different - it gives the subject of the mis-statement something to latch on to and claim 'LIAR!', 'SLANDERER!!', "LIABLER!!!'
We all know Lloyd cannot let anything go unchallenged.
Please don't give him more fuel by presenting exaggerations as fact.
Best to be careful and double check - triple check - the source documents/actual video.
Edit to add:
"...this year alone Lloyd has had vacations in Thailand Texas and London UK and drives a bmw."
I may have missed it, but I don't think Lloyd was in Texas this year (2022).
Can anyone confirm a 2022 trip to Texas and that Lloyd's personal vehicle is a BMW?
original reddit post (removed).
Ozzie wrote: Sorry, off topic, but just wanted to say G’day to AudeSapere and say glad to see you’re still posting.
original reddit post (removed).
On page 519 about 5 posts down LMSA pasted a comment of JLE ranting about Deborah Dykstra's delay in putting COC back in print:
"...Where is your indignation at Deborah for taking Crisis of Conscience out of circulation for years..."
That was an asshole comment.
He did not mention that Deborah is not a publisher and may not have known where to start or might not have understood how much interest there was in the book.
Deborah inherited the copyright when Ray and Cynthia died.
I think the book may even have gone out-of-stock while Ray was still alive (?)
He gave no grace to Deborah when she eventually made a public statement that she had also been ill.
While Lloyd Evans made loud public statements criticizing Deborah for not doing something that she was never obligated to do, to my knowledge, Lloyd Evans did not make public to Deborah when she did make a public statement.
Not only was Deborah unwell with extended illness, when she did eventually see about getting the book updated and released again, she ran into ownership hurdles because someone (J. Lloyd Evans aka John Cedars) had taken it upon himself to publish the book as if he owned the rights. He even slapped stickers of his website on the cover of the book and leveraged the book to self-promote himself and his social media platform(s).
I believe he was even working on translating the book into other languages.
Does anyone remember seeing a public apology to Deborah for the damage he did to her?
He paid her $50.00? Big deal.
How much extra did Deborah have to pay lawyers to get the ownership cleared? How much did J. Lloyd Evans pay her for her extra legal fees to untangle herself from a mess he created?
How much did J.Lloyd Evans pay Deborah for her own time to deal with the mess?
Seriously, that was just another asshole comment.
an avid wts supporter writes:.
re: vaccinations: vaccinations have never been banned.
if they were, then no representative of the wts would have been allowed to travel overseas when vaccines were compulsory around 1920 when vaccines was regularly in the news, there was both positive and negative information printed in the golden age (forerunner of the awake) but not from the staff writers, but from out side sources of article by medical doctors at the time and others that responded to those articles.. re: organ transplants: organ transplants were never forbidden by the society.
In response to BlueBrother...
Bartolomeo wrote: This is because the same story always comes out: the WT often and willingly loves to behave and pronounce itself in an ambiguous way, so that one day it can always say: "We never said it, some had understood ..."
Think about it: organ transplants, 1975, vaccinations, relationships with disfellowshipped family members, the same tactic every time
For those of us that were alive and in the org at the time, it's also good to note how aggressive - or not - the org was in with regard to disfellowshipping and disassociation.
just wanted to say hey.
i’m in australia.
i’ve just woken up… i’m disfellowshipped and finding it hard without family although i do have one sister who isn’t interested in the truth, so that’s good… at least i can talk to her.
Oops!! I just re-read the OP.
Australia is a long commute to California.
The Zoom meet-up can still be a good option.
And the other info might help someone else.
Or you might want to plan a vacation to California next year. LOL
just wanted to say hey.
i’m in australia.
i’ve just woken up… i’m disfellowshipped and finding it hard without family although i do have one sister who isn’t interested in the truth, so that’s good… at least i can talk to her.
Hi ChickenLips -
Welcome. It's nice to have you join us and even nicer that you told us a little about your current situation.
Look around a bit. There is a wealth of information on this site.
For other online groups, have you looked at
There might be something near you and in-person is better than online.
If you are in SoCal, there is an Interfaithless Beach Party next weekend (ex-Mormons, ex-JW's, ex-Muslims) all sorts of people who have been isolated from family and lifelong friends because they no longer believe the doctrines they were taught.
For online (and occasional in-person) here is a link to a LosAngeles group that is actually attended by people from all over: Los Angeles Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses Meetup (Los Angeles, CA) | Meetup
If you feel comfortable telling your general location, you can start a new post and see if there is anyone who might want to meet for coffee. It's been done alot.
Each summer, a group of us meet in South Lake Tahoe, CA for weekend camping (or cabin-ing) trip. Our next Tahoe-fest is July 2023.
Looking forward to hearing more from you.
Aude Sapere (meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom/Understanding; Dare to Think for Yourself)
original reddit post (removed).
Here is a JLE quote in the thread I linked above:
If anyone else wants to get something started in the meantime, they should do it. There's no reason why there can't be more than one "station." The more the merrier!
Seems some of the merriment turned into misery.
original reddit post (removed).
I just found this old thread from Mon Jan 21, 2013.
Looks like it's from after AWAA inception and at (or very near) the very beginning of the planning stage of 'The John Cedars Channel' / 'The Lloyd Evans Channel':
John Cedars Starting A Cult-Free Europe Radio? (
Someone suggested it; Lloyd agreed it was a good idea and started outlining a few specific logistical points.
indiana jones 3...we had elders going to this movie.
life of brian stoning people who say funny!
even "supergirl" where someone knocks on the door of the secret hideout and the villain says "if that's those damn jehovahs witnesses again!
Confessions of a Teenage Jesus Jerk - movie written by a former JW. Good watch!
LandShark on SNL