While I am still leaving, I did check back upon being let
know what you said.
Funny how we started off locking horns and in the end you
were the only one who got what I was saying. The evidence I presented favors
the OP’s original post.
The reason why I really need to avoid this is that for the
most part a lot of the people here never left the Watchtower.
These particular persons may have been disfellowshipped or
disassociated themselves from it or distanced themselves in some way from its
doctrines, but only the doctrines were left behind. And it is not just
atheists, but there are some theists on this board this is directed to as well.
The close-minded arrogance that they have the truth because
they did research and now they are enlightened, I’ve heard it all before…from
Jehovah’s Witnesses.
The fight that all other points of view are incorrect due to
what now enlightens them—again, from Jehovah’s Witnesses.
The posting of blurbs and quotes from others? Guess where
Perhaps (and I hope I am very wrong), but just perhaps some
of these people who are acting this way were originally attracted to the
Witnesses because they are a group that has not tolerance for ambiguity. These
are people who like feeling they are right, in fact they have to believe they
are and that others and their opposing views are unenlightened by comparison.
It’s like a drug.
In the Watchtower they were coddled and given “gold stars”
for their ambiguity intolerance and compartmentalization of all things and all
people and all other belief systems. Not outside they are bitter because they
no longer have a Governing Body to pat them on the back and remind them how
special they are for choosing the right way.
So now, regardless if they are theists or atheists, they act
just as mean, just as close-minded, just as unfair and belligerent as Jehovah’s
Witnesses do. They are the same people. They just switched brands or flavors of
And when you hit too close to the mark they are suspicious.
In fact they would rather think that people are lying to them and being
underhanded, etc. because, like the Witnesses, it helps to demonize the other
person. Then you feel good about rejected them and treating the other human
being as if they aren’t another human being.
You feel you can get away without being respectful and
You’re a good person, DJS. Your resolve to avoid these kind
of debates, stay by that. And I trust your convictions are learned,
well-researched, and dependable. In any other place I think I would enjoy
getting to know you and being someone I would proudly call friend—and I wouldn’t
want to change a thing about you.
But these other people…you folks are still under the spell
of the Watchtower. You need to fight harder.
I am leaving not because of what you believe, but because of
how you act.
You act just like the JWs.
Your beliefs, theist or atheist or inbetween are useless,
and the Watchtower wins until you can stop ACTING like them.
If you can’t, then what you belie whatever benefits come
from your beliefs. What good are all your arguments for what you believe in if
your beliefs make you act like a judgmental, close-minded, judging and
suspicious Jehovah’s Witnesses?
And yes, THIS is really the last, final word, so save your
angry replies you have for me and rechannel that anger towards the JWs who
poisoned your souls to the point of making you think you have a right to treat
humans and their convictions in the horrible way you do.