Thanks for your insights too, Megaboy.
There are some errors however in your conclusions and your presentation because the Diaspora aspect of Judaism is not touched upon, and some of the data is still based on Watchtower theology.
The idea that the Jews denied being slaves in Egypt is a Christian misinterpretation based on a reading from the Gospel of John. Jews declare weekly in Shabbat rituals and yearly Passover Seders that they were slaves in Egypt. The ancient prayers of the liturgy in Haggadahs and ancient siddur Shabbat observances are still uttered today with the words: "Remember that you were once slaves in Egypt." In a few hours I will be saying these very words, in fact as Shabbat is about to begin.
Also many Jews of the Diaspora never returned to Jerusalem after the Babylonian deportation. My ancestors from the tribe of Judah and Benjamin stayed in what is now known as Spain until the Alhambra decree of 1492 expelled all Jews due to the Spanish Inquisition. There were Jews in other parts of the world too, like Egypt where the Alexandrian Septuagint was created. DNA research over the past 7 years has verified the lineage of "hidden" Sephardic Jews, uncovered the reason for Ashkenazi traits, and verified the Cohen priestly line. Some of the claims are as TD pointed out, just anti-Semitism promoted by Christians and others as doctrine and "truth."
Many are unaware of these recent discoveries in history, archeology, and DNA research that have been inspired mostly by the recent Right of Return laws enacted by Spain and Portugal for descendents of expelled Jews of 1492. Hopefully people will do the research themselves based on these late findings and discover how wrong their view of the Pharisees and Jews in general really are.