I gather Pope Francis is doing what he can. I have close ties to the Catholic Church because of the work I have done with some of their Biblical scholars. Apparently the conservative voices in the Church can be very difficult to deal with, and many are resisting any type of change, some even being highly critical of the Pope, even on his comments regarding the Jews.
Sadly, however, even Pope Francis cannot change doctrine or produce new ones, so I don't see changes on birth control or other matters coming soon, not unless he can find a loophole that proves an underlying doctrine of the Church is being compromised by current beliefs.
I have learned from these same Catholic friends that contrary to belief a pope cannot make up new doctrines, neither is a pope infallible. Instead their doctrine is that a pope can only define a debated doctrine as dogma (i.e., state that the doctrine has indeed always been part of the Catholic deposit of faith since its founding), and that when a pope does this specific act of declaration, the declaration itself is infallible.
But such an infallible statement occurs only after years of research with input from clergy and layperson, theologian and average Joe. And there have only been two infallible teachings pronounced by a pope over the past 2000 years. Dogmatic pronouncements of this type only ensure that a doctrine is authentically Catholic and doesn't allow for new ones. So I am not sure how Pope Francis will deal with the upcoming synod in the United States where the issue of divorced and homosexual Catholics will be considered.