We Jews worshipped a lot of pagan gods in our history, but Helios was not one of them.
Helios was invented in the 4th century BCE. The false gods my people worshipped were much older, of the Mesopotamian basin, and similar if not identical to the Canaan gods later rejected by the time of the First Temple. Helios was developed by the Greeks, a civilization that was still scratching its butt theologically when we Jews were developing the cult that would later become worship of YHWH. They weren't too far behind, no, but your claim is just slightly off, an anachronism. I have a feeling you might not believe me even if I took you to a museum and showed you the differences between the gods that Jews worshipped and how late Helios was on the world scene by comparison. Your intentions are correct, but the god you are mentioning isn't.
As for the other comment....That's why I say you should learn Hebrew.
If you did you would know that the verse you are mentioning, Bereshit (Genesis) 1.1 reads: BERESHIT BARA ELOHIM ET HASAMAYIM WE'ET HARAETZ.
In English that is: "When G-d created heaven and earth..."
In Hebrew ELOHIM in reference to HaShem doesn't mean "gods" anymore than the masculine pronoun "he" means that HaShem should be referred to as "he" or in the masculine. I speak Hebrew daily, and use the word ELOHIM all the time. There are definitive rules that some Gentiles tend to ignore and think they know better of than we native speakers of our own language who claim similar to what you just stated, but it isn't correct.
I even use ELOHIM and ELOHEYNU constantly in speech and prayer, and it refers to a singular G-d in reference to YHWH due to the cultural etymology that the syntax is built upon. That's why I say you should learn Hebrew.