You are close with you assumptions. Here’s the deal. (Forgive the length, but I think this is important to put here and share with the JWs and those under their influence.)
You see, in Jewry, both in the religion of Judaism and if you are secular, there are customs that express how you feel about the world. Some things are considered sacred or holy and some things are just every day mundane objects. These Eastern customs are just part of our society, and they are often the opposite of Western ways of doing things.
To illustrate: you know about the Six-Day War, right? How we Jews recaptured Jerusalem and even our most holy site, the Temple Mount? Why did we not remove the Islamic shrine, the Dome of the Rock, at that point? We had total access to it at that point. Why do we settle for praying at the Western Wall?
Because the Dome of the Rock is built over the foundation of the Holy of Holies. As such Jews avoid it. In fact there are signs outside of the Dome area that forbid Jews by order of Torah to go further. Doing so would be dishonoring our culture, our ancestors, and be a sacrilegious act of the highest form of disrespect (not to mention sinful) because it would expose us to the area meant to be hidden from sight and used rarely. That is how we deal with holy things in our culture. We don’t touch. We don’t handle. We don’t look.
Until the Messiah or Messianic Age arrives, Jews feel we have no direction from G-d on how to rebuild the Temple. We don’t want to desecrate the site by stepping where we shouldn't, and despite the difficulties you often see portrayed between Jews and Muslims on television, both sides actually have a respect for one another to a certain degree because of our shared view of how to handle holy things.
That is how the Name of G-d is handled. Since I can’t avoid using words to describe G-d, but I don’t want to use any of G-d’s names like I would any mundane word, I use substitutes. In Hebrew, “God” is an actual name for the Deity Abraham and Sarah worshipped. So I use it rarely, and more often you will find me using G-d.
Since it is not pronouncing the Name, and in fact not writing it in Hebrew, it is not problematic for me to write YHWH. It is also not a problem to use the term “Jehovah,” although that does irk me for more reasons than just because I am a Jew.
It is a Gentile heathen custom to use the name of a deity, and to use it frequently. It is the Jewish customs to avoid use of holy things, because that is how we show they are holy. We don’t use them much, or we avoid them except for special occasions.
It may be of interest that even Jesus was against using the Divine Name. You can use the following with Jehovah’s Witnesses to get them off your back if they ever try to impress the importance of saying “Jehovah.”
In Matthew 6, right before Jesus teaches the “Our Father” or “Lord’s prayer,” Jesus gives the instruction against repetition of prayers at verse 7, right?
WRONG! What Jesus actually prohibits is repetition “like the pagans” or “heathen” or “Gentiles,” or how ever your particular translation states it. (In academia the NRSV is “the Standard” for English translations, so I will use that when discussing the New Testament.)
Matthew 6.7-9: “When you are praying, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do; for they think that they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. Pray then this way: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name….”
Did you notice? It is not just against using many words repeatedly or “heap up empty phrases.” It’s about not doing this “as the Gentiles do”! This is important to note with the Witnesses because Jews DO REPEAT EXPRESSIONS in prayer as well. Take them to Psalm 118, where the phrase “his steadfast love endures forever” (NRSV) gets repeated between every verse. Jews pray or chant the Psalms to this day, and this is an inspired written prayer! “The Bible doesn’t contradict itself, does it?” you ask the Witness at this point.
The repetition “as the Gentiles do” has to do with uttering divine names of deities. Many pagans believed that their gods did not pay attention to their prayers UNLESS they used their name. You didn’t have the attention of your god without uttering their personal name or even if you mistakenly mispronounced it. So they would compose lists of various and possible pronunciations and affiliated titles to make sure their prayers would be heard and accepted by their god. These they made sure to repeat before, during, and after their petitions and praises (sound familiar?).
Jesus is here stating that the G-d of Abraham and Sarah is not like that. Abraham and Sarah’s G-d always has us at the center of attention, and we do not need to worry that G-d’s attention is ever off of us so that we need to do the same like the heathens. G-d knows what we need before we ask because G-d is always with us.
To put the cherry on top of this instruction, Jesus then prays that we hold G-d name as sacred or holy, but he never pronounces it in the prayer. That is because Jesus’ definition of keeping the name holy is the Jewish definition. You don’t use sacred things often. Holy names are not mundane names like that of pagan gods that you can use over and over again or babble from a list to arouse or force the hand of a false god.
But what you see and hear Witnesses do is a carryover from paganism. It is the pagan custom of using a divine name repeatedly with the heathen belief that the G-d of Abraham and Sarah is the same as false idols and requires such babbling before your prayers can be acceptable.