DJS is correct about us Jews.
Even among the most religious of Jews there is no such thing as "belief" being central to the practice. Jews don't "believe" that G-d exists, as such in the manner that this is important to Christians.
While I've noticed Christians have a hard time with this when I say it, atheists seem to grasp the concept each time: we don't have "faith" or mental acknowledgement of G-d as an element of our religion. Whether or not a Jew views G-d as real as any material thing on the planet or merely as part of our mythology, the whole concept of the G-d of Abraham and Sarah is very real. Response to this is what makes a Jew a Jew, not belief. Belief (mental acknowledgment) of doctrines can't do anything for a person in Jewish theology. Responses however mean everything.
Jews can be atheist because Jews act as if G-d is not present to end suffering, help people, make the world better. Jews believe that it is our responsibility to do this. This is what the "chosen" in "chosen people" means to us. We are chosen to be as G-d would act in these circumstances. This philosophy is called "Tikkun Olam" and it replaces the "faith" that is so important to Christians.
So we do tend to reject things that require credulity. Even those who believe G-d is real have far different and often very logical concepts of what and who Elohim is, many of which would probably insult Christians.
While parts of Orthodox Judaism is still a little behind in some areas, generally speaking Judaism seeks to avoid being intellectual dishonest with itself and others. That's why it is not earth-shattering to admit that many of our traditions and texts stem from various sources that don't originate with direct revelation from our G-d. And you will find we don't believe that our mythology is true as much as we seek to find values and cherished truths that can be practically applied as Tikklun Olam.