JoinedPosts by CalebInFloroda
"Your bad attitude is evident, because you don't bring a meeting bag to the meetings anymore!"
by stuckinarut2 inyes friends.....this is the comment said to me by an elder!.
"your bad attitude is evident because you don't bring your meeting bag anymore!".
i calmly replied: "but everything i need is on the tablet now......".
No, no, no. You should say: "Bookbags belong to Group 1 of the overlapping generations. Group 2, of which I am, are their contemporaries, some of whom live to see all things transferred to digital while the previous group of old farts die off in their own bad attitudes." -
How a Gay Jewish Boy from New England Came to Be and Leave the JWs (and what he did next)
by CalebInFloroda inborn in cambridge, ma to a liberal couple that escaped the conservative south, my parents raised me better than to become a jehovahs witness.
funny thing was they got mixed up in it first.. while that is a story for another time, i myself had to go along as the third of five children in my family.
dads job transferred him to texas and my mom worked fulltime herself, but eventually we found ourselves drinking the kool-aid of ambiguity intolerance and full-fledge belief that the bible was literal fact and that salvation was found only by those who were smart enough to enter the confines of the watchtower.. its weird how many people claim they fear children raised by two gay parents will grow up to be gay.
The Jews went from worshipping multiple deities to finally the one championed by the Davidic dynasty. Though the narrative in the Bible is often read as if my people were constantly faithful to the God of Abraham, this is not supported by archeology, history or even a close examination of Scripture.
The Davidic dynasty introduced and enforced a single state religion, the cult of YHWH with the construction of the Temple. Along with this redactions to Scripture ironed out the economy of this cult and the dynasty itself as part of this enforcement.
Etymologically speaking the terminology used in worship, mainly the plural word for "gods" became one of the Names for YHWH. Polytheism was thus the likely origins for the plural term, transferring the plural expression now to the Only God who they nationally believed ruled over all others.
Gentile Christians would read in this a foreshadowing of the Trinity, but the claim was not necessarily definitive at the expense of simple grammatical syntax. A similar misunderstanding has arisen due to the use of the masculine pronoun in reference to Elohim, allowing for a misogyny in Christianity that was blamed on the Jews for inventing, in essence claiming that Jews understood God to be primarily masculine. In reality the use of the masculine occurs due to the lack of neuter pronouns in ancient Hebrew as Jewish religion strictly forbids assigning gender to Elohim.
In closing, the plurality is just a holdover from the origins of the term but not representative of what later became defined in the Shema.
Did Jehovah's Witnesses dishonestly insert the word "Apostate" in their custom version of the Bible
by Watchtower-Free ininteresting article.
more intentional repeated errors in new world translation bible: a study on apostates.
After being asked about this privately, I thought I should clarify that the first century use of the term "apostasy" refers to abandoning or rejecting practices, customs, and religious convictions. All these are referred to in Acts 21.21 where Paul is accused of promoting apostasy from Torah observance, the practice of circumcision (which is not technically from the Mosaic Law), and Jewish custom. Only the first, Torah observance, is connected with religion, whereas the others are cultural earmarks.
Today the word "apostasy" is limited to religion. No one is referred to as an "apostate" who abandons their custom or teaches others to abandon their cultural practices these days.
Did Jehovah's Witnesses dishonestly insert the word "Apostate" in their custom version of the Bible
by Watchtower-Free ininteresting article.
more intentional repeated errors in new world translation bible: a study on apostates.
It's what scholars call a "political" rendition.
To be all honest, all Scripture translations into any language are a political act. While most modern translations no longer differ in substance by comparison, the fact that a religion might sponsor and conduct a translation, especially with a closed committee (i.e., one made up of translators from one religion only) shows that a political aim is definitely a driving force behind the rendition. In this case the political aim is to promote their ideology.
While the word from which the English term "apostasy" is derived occurs in the Greek in the two places already pointed out, the word isn't actually "apostasy" as we understand the term (those of us familiar with the Jehovah's Witnesses' definition that is). Considered the scholarly standard for English in academia, the NRSV renders the Greek word as "forsake" in Acts 21.21 and "rebellion" at 2 Thessalonians 2.3. The reason behind this is that the word was understood in its most ancient and basic terms in the first century, as the word "martyr" or "saint" had different meanings then too when compared to how the words are used today.
As they have been done before, the Witnesses get away on a technicality because the concept of "apostasy" is found throughout Scripture. Therefore even when the fundamental terms employed in the original text are not even connected to the Greek terms found in Acts and 2 Thessalonians, technically the NWT and any translator can use the term if his target audience is familiar for what it stands for, namely rebellion against or the act of forsaking religion.
However this would be considered a dynamic rendition or closer to paraphrase in most instances as it would be an anachronism to introduce the word "apostate" into Old Testament vocabulary, a Hellenistic term into a Semitic writing that did not have such a single and all encompassing term.
The word "apostasy" and "apostate" are modern, like introducing "homosexual" into Romans or the other epistles where same-sex relations are mentioned. As the latter word is possible in a paraphrase, the concept of different sexual orientations is a modern one, unknown to the ancients who wrote the Scriptures, so one cannot use the term accurately in a translation. The same goes for "apostate" and similar terms. The current expression got its meaning from the Early Church Fathers who gave the Greek word its current blanket meaning.
In its current use in American and Anglicized English, the term "apostasy" refers to turning away from the Christian faith as taught in the great creeds, a Christian term according to etymology. By this definition religious movements like the Jehovah's Witnesses and the Latter-Day Saints are apostates, but members of these religions can't be, even if they leave or teach something contrary to Watchtower or Mormon beliefs. Since they aren't rebelling against or forsaking the basic tenets of Christian faith like the Trinity, the Apostle's Creed, or Liturgical worship, elements these religious movements do not possess, those who rebel against or forsake these religions are not "apostates," if they wish to play by technical rules.
Equally Jews cannot become or produce apostates nor Muslims or Buddhists, and to some degree atheists or agnostics aren't actually "apostates." Because "apostasy" generally involves promoting a heresy, such as that Jesus is Christ and the Son of God, but not part of the Trinity, they aren't exactly apostates lest they begin to proselytize.
Only recently have sociologists began applying the term to include the renunciation of one's former religious tenants, regardless of what these might be or where they come from. If the Witnesses agree that they are employing and introducing a secular term by this type of rendition, so be it, but that would be admitting that they are still inserting a modern term that doesn't quite offer a better solution such as found in the NRSV.
How a Gay Jewish Boy from New England Came to Be and Leave the JWs (and what he did next)
by CalebInFloroda inborn in cambridge, ma to a liberal couple that escaped the conservative south, my parents raised me better than to become a jehovahs witness.
funny thing was they got mixed up in it first.. while that is a story for another time, i myself had to go along as the third of five children in my family.
dads job transferred him to texas and my mom worked fulltime herself, but eventually we found ourselves drinking the kool-aid of ambiguity intolerance and full-fledge belief that the bible was literal fact and that salvation was found only by those who were smart enough to enter the confines of the watchtower.. its weird how many people claim they fear children raised by two gay parents will grow up to be gay.
Thanks for the welcome everyone. I appreciate it so very much! -
"Neither can salt water produce fresh water." - James 3:12, RNWT
by 88JM ini noticed this verse the other night and thought it looked so obviously ridiculously provably untrue that there must be something more to it.
surely even a bible writer must understand that desalination isn't witchcraft?.
new american standard bible:"nor can salt water produce fresh.".
The Greek text reads:
Oute halikon glickie poisay hydoor.
In English that would be: "Neither does a spring of salt water manufacture sweet."
Literally the words are: NOT SALT [,] SWEET MANUFACTURE WATER.
That the text isn't speaking about whether water can be desalinated is clear from the first part which uses the same structure in stating: "a fig tree doesn't manufacture olives."
A person's mouth is compared to the fig tree and salty spring, and the question is what each produces or manufactures. The implication is that a person's heart is "salty" not "sweet" if the product is like what comes from a salty source. Besides Moses changed salt water to sweet according to the legendary narrative of the trek through the wilderness, so this is likely not a denial of what can be done with water.--Exodus 15.25.
How a Gay Jewish Boy from New England Came to Be and Leave the JWs (and what he did next)
by CalebInFloroda inborn in cambridge, ma to a liberal couple that escaped the conservative south, my parents raised me better than to become a jehovahs witness.
funny thing was they got mixed up in it first.. while that is a story for another time, i myself had to go along as the third of five children in my family.
dads job transferred him to texas and my mom worked fulltime herself, but eventually we found ourselves drinking the kool-aid of ambiguity intolerance and full-fledge belief that the bible was literal fact and that salvation was found only by those who were smart enough to enter the confines of the watchtower.. its weird how many people claim they fear children raised by two gay parents will grow up to be gay.
Post script:
I didn't say I didn't believe in God. I was explaining that what God is to me and the Jewish culture is not something that get reduced to a mere belief.
One believes in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. One believes in a weather report. Christians believe in concepts, and that belief equals faith that leads to a reward.
The Jewish stance is more of an active response or participation in God, even if one is atheist. One cannot reject something that isn't, because even if the Jewish concept of God is rejected by an individual Jew, who and what they are is so defined by HaShem that even a rejection is a response or participation in what shapes the history and lives of Jews. You are still a Jew if there is no God, and you're a Jew because of God, whether real or imaginary. The belief or no belief thing is too naive to be applied here.
How a Gay Jewish Boy from New England Came to Be and Leave the JWs (and what he did next)
by CalebInFloroda inborn in cambridge, ma to a liberal couple that escaped the conservative south, my parents raised me better than to become a jehovahs witness.
funny thing was they got mixed up in it first.. while that is a story for another time, i myself had to go along as the third of five children in my family.
dads job transferred him to texas and my mom worked fulltime herself, but eventually we found ourselves drinking the kool-aid of ambiguity intolerance and full-fledge belief that the bible was literal fact and that salvation was found only by those who were smart enough to enter the confines of the watchtower.. its weird how many people claim they fear children raised by two gay parents will grow up to be gay.
Why the "G-d"?
It's how Jews spell "God." In Jewish culture to use a word or name that is holy as often and in the same manner as a mundane one makes that word or name mundane too. This is one reason why Jews rarely pronounce YHWH. We usually say "HaShem" instead (which means "the Name"). And since in Hebrew "Elohim" is also a Name when speaking of the Abrahamic God (sorry JWs, but it's not always just a title) Jews don't spell it out in its complete form in any language in case the object upon which it appears is treated in a mundane or profane manner. So when you see "G-d," be assured you are talking about the Jewish God and the various concepts associated.
How a Gay Jewish Boy from New England Came to Be and Leave the JWs (and what he did next)
by CalebInFloroda inborn in cambridge, ma to a liberal couple that escaped the conservative south, my parents raised me better than to become a jehovahs witness.
funny thing was they got mixed up in it first.. while that is a story for another time, i myself had to go along as the third of five children in my family.
dads job transferred him to texas and my mom worked fulltime herself, but eventually we found ourselves drinking the kool-aid of ambiguity intolerance and full-fledge belief that the bible was literal fact and that salvation was found only by those who were smart enough to enter the confines of the watchtower.. its weird how many people claim they fear children raised by two gay parents will grow up to be gay.
Okay, me thinks me got it, Lois.
Enkantado. Soy byen, munchas gracyas.
Se avalando en Ladino, que tal! Adonde estudyar? Eyes Judeo?
(I win, iPad!)
How a Gay Jewish Boy from New England Came to Be and Leave the JWs (and what he did next)
by CalebInFloroda inborn in cambridge, ma to a liberal couple that escaped the conservative south, my parents raised me better than to become a jehovahs witness.
funny thing was they got mixed up in it first.. while that is a story for another time, i myself had to go along as the third of five children in my family.
dads job transferred him to texas and my mom worked fulltime herself, but eventually we found ourselves drinking the kool-aid of ambiguity intolerance and full-fledge belief that the bible was literal fact and that salvation was found only by those who were smart enough to enter the confines of the watchtower.. its weird how many people claim they fear children raised by two gay parents will grow up to be gay.
Post script to LoisLane,
How did you get your Ladino spellings in your response so easily? I am on an iPad and I struggled just to write the little I did, and I still couldn't get it all just right. I both love and hate my auto-correct feature, but mostly hate it.