You might want to look at some of these verses from a more critical text than the KJV or at least slow down before jumping to these conclusions which actually have a basis in Christian Fundamentalist groups that have an anti-Semitic agenda than actual critical analysis and archeological history.
First off the Jews recognize far more about their idolatrous beginnings than you realize we do. You may want to watch the PBS documentary series "The Story of the Jews" by British historian Simon Shama. If these are your current beliefs about Jews that you posted above, you will be shocked to learn what history and archeology really shows...and it isn't the story Christians learn in Sunday school or the type of story Cecil B. deMille whitewashed for Hollywood.
You may want to abandon your KJV Bibles or any Old Testament translated by Gentiles and take up a few Hebrew classes at your local synagogue. Conservative and Reform Jews are open to everyone, and some Orthodox communities might be more welcoming than you think to educate people in the own language. Hebrew isn't hard. Why rely on scholars when you can read the text for yourselves?
If you don't want to learn a new language, then why not try the Tanakh (Hebrew Scriptures) translation by the JPS (Jewish Publication Society) and thus get as accurate a translation in English as possible? The NJPS is in modern English, and I highly recommend the CJPS for those who have never experienced how Jews culturally read Scripture (CJPS is The Contemporary Torah: A Gender-Sensitive Adaptation of the NJPS).
Jews acknowledge that the Scriptures offer a more polished mythology of our own religion's beginning than what really happened. But these details above are very off. Why not learn the real ones instead? It would still show we were quite polytheistic up until the time of the David dynasty (and a little bit afterwards too). I am just letting you know that the details above are not the facts, even though the general idea is not too far from the historical truth.