It appears you made a mistake based on what I can only guess was a very superficial reading of my comments.
I’m Jewish. I’m not just a convert to Judaism. I’m one of those people you can take a sample from by swabbing the inside of my mouth and use the results to see some genuine Jewish DNA. I practice Judaism, and I am a philologist.
This is why I find your comments odd, such as: “But since you apparently MISSED that, you presume the idea of the original sin is not part of Jewish culture.” I know for a fact that the doctrine of Original Sin is not a part of Jewish culture because I am not just ethnically Jewish, I actually practice Judaism.
You obviously don’t know this, but Christians and especially Catholicism teaches that Christ was the one who “enlightened” humanity about Original Sin. Before Christ and without Christ there was no knowledge of this doctrine, at least according to Christians. So therefore to claim that I am mistaken that Judaism doesn’t believe or teach the doctrine of Original Sin is to disagree with this teaching that Jesus is the one who brought this “truth” to light. In fact one of the main reasons Christians claim that Jews are “spiritually blind” is because none of us believe in the concept of Original Sin.
The word “firmament” is not a water canopy. I told you to look up the word (which apparently you did not). Wikipedia states under “Firmament”: “The firmament is the sky, conceived as a vast solid dome. According to the Genesis creation narrative, God created the firmament to separate the "waters above" the earth from those below. The word is anglicized from Latin firmamentum, which appears in the Vulgate, a late fourth-century Latin translation of the Bible.”
The Hebrew concept of the universe was as seen in this diagram below. The "circle" that G-d dwells over is this "dome" not a full sphere.
Finally, I believe in the historicity of the Exodus. In fact, again I am a Jew. I believe it historically happened. We all do, even secular Jews. Even atheists know that there is archaeological evidence of my people being one of the enslaved tribes in Egypt before the mass slave escapes that, in Judaism, became part of our cultural history. I believe in this so much that every Passover I enact this event at every Passover Seder. At my table you will often find Christians and atheists and agnostics who also celebrate with me because, despite what people think of the religious details or whether they accept them or not, the fact is that this is real history.
The rest of your information falls flat because of these mistakes you have made about me. Go ahead. Ask the other posters on this site and see whether or not you have made some grave errors in your assumptions. Your conclusions are incorrect because of these errors. However I am willing to believe that you made them only because you approached my comments without reading them thoroughly (otherwise you were very insulting).
By the way, you should also look up “philology” or “philologist.”