I thought this was interesting. (If you press the little square in the right-hand corner -- it'll make the picture bigger.)
JoinedPosts by Peter123
Gay fatherhood ... it does work
by Peter123 ini thought this was interesting.
(if you press the little square in the right-hand corner -- it'll make the picture bigger.).
Masturbation is a Gift From Jehovah (Stupid Awake 11/06)
by metatron indoes that title sound blasphemous?
well, i'm sorry if it does - but who ever imagines what the world would be like if sexual urges .
could not be satisfied by oneself?
I've always looked at masturbation as sex with someone I love.
looking for Claudio Baglioni song
by purplesofa ini hope i have the right person........ it is a song where part of the verse goes ..... senza te......senza te........senze te.
i think it was quite popular in italy ........not toooooooo long ago......... i have searched and searched and since i dont speak any italian i am having problems......... thanks in advance.
Hope this helps! The song can be downloaded from "Limewire." Sabato Pomeriggio[also listed as "Senza Te."]
by Claudio Baglioni
Passerotto non andare via
nei tuoi occhi il sole muore gia'
scusa se la colpa e' un poco mia
se non so tenerti ancora qua
Ma cosa e' stato di un amore
che asciugava il mare
che voleva vivere volare, che
toglieva il fiato
ed e' ferito ormai
non andar via ti prego
Passerotto non andare via
senza i tuoi capricci che faro'
ogni cosa basta che sia tua
con il cuore a pezzi cerchero'
Ma cosa e' stato di quel tempo
che sfidava il vento
che faceva fremere gridare
contro il cielo, non
lasciarmi solo no
non andar via
non andar via
Senza te morirei
Senza te scoppierei
Senza te brucerei
tutti i sogni miei
solo senza di te
che farei senza te
senza te
senza te
Sabato pian piano se ne va
passerotto ma che senso ha
non ti ricordi migravamo
come due gabbiani ci amavamo e
le tue mani da tenere da scaldare
passerotto no
non andar via
non andar via
Senza te morirei
Senza te scoppierei
Senza te brucerei
tutti i sogni miei
solo senza di te
che farei senza teSolo senza di te
che farei senza te
senza te
senza te
senza te... -
What does the WTS mean when they talk about a human soul?
by Peter123 inmaybe this has been discussed here before.
(i'm relatively new and i don't read the site everyday/or week.
) but, if i remember correctly, the wts defined the human soul as being merely one's physical body.
Australians have so much class -- in a robust kind of way.
What does the WTS mean when they talk about a human soul?
by Peter123 inmaybe this has been discussed here before.
(i'm relatively new and i don't read the site everyday/or week.
) but, if i remember correctly, the wts defined the human soul as being merely one's physical body.
Thanks for the responses.
Regards "breathing in the womb"? Physically, wouldn't the fetus drown in the amniotic fluid it's floating in? I thought an unborn child got all of its nutrients, including oxygen, through the mother's blood in the umbilical cord? Its lungs are not physically working until its born -- that's why it's great for the baby to have a good cry and get those lobes working ... right?
OK, I'm confused. I thought I recalled way back when I was a kid there being that talk (and someone else here also mentioned it) that stillborn and aborted fetuses would not be resurrected because they were not breathing.
But, who really knows what the temporal, spacial, consciousness BOTTOM LINE is? I mean, as far as I'm concerned, wouldn't it be great if everyone -- no matter what age or religion -- got to hang out and raise hell together and have a screamin' good time forever!
What does the WTS mean when they talk about a human soul?
by Peter123 inmaybe this has been discussed here before.
(i'm relatively new and i don't read the site everyday/or week.
) but, if i remember correctly, the wts defined the human soul as being merely one's physical body.
Thanks Moggy and Narkissos,
Soul, spirit, divine beings, life after death: I guess all of this is my way of trying to grapple with the religious teachings I learned as a child and where I am now. As a JW, every teaching was indisputable -- until the FDS changed it. Now I am totally unreligious. I've explored other religions and I believe that no religion has an empirical answer. They're all based on the ineffable, the indescribable. It's a parade of blind people running through a vast wasteland, all of them thinking the person in front of them can see. Faith seems to be the ego's way of denying its own finality, of making us feel safe as we trip along the edge of the abyss.
Sure, I wished I had something spiritual in my life. Yes, I do know there are such things as love, compassion, kindness and beauty -- but the opposites are also true. If there is a god -- he's got som' 'splainin' to do.
What does the WTS mean when they talk about a human soul?
by Peter123 inmaybe this has been discussed here before.
(i'm relatively new and i don't read the site everyday/or week.
) but, if i remember correctly, the wts defined the human soul as being merely one's physical body.
Hey, Narkissos, I've read some of your other posts and I've really enjoyed them. So, I glad you responded to my question. (Someday I'll ask you about the James Joyce quote you used "darkness shining in brightness" and a Yuma Indian Curing Song that speaks of "The Spirit of Shining Darkness.")
Maybe respondents have answered my question and I'm just too dense to see it. I'm wondering how the WTS reconciles condemning abortion (beyond stoping the "possibility" of life) since technically, according to their dogma, a fetus is not a "living soul" because it is not breathing. I vaguely recall the logic of the talk I mentioned previously, the speaker said it would be unreasonable to think that YHWH would transfer aborted fetuses to living women in the "paradise earth."
I personally have mixed feelings about abortion. Thank you Jesus, I'm not a woman. I do believe in a woman's right to choose.
What does the WTS mean when they talk about a human soul?
by Peter123 inmaybe this has been discussed here before.
(i'm relatively new and i don't read the site everyday/or week.
) but, if i remember correctly, the wts defined the human soul as being merely one's physical body.
But I always thought that the "breath of life" was the defining requirement. Yes, the breathing corporal body was the soul -- and with death -- the person was no longer a soul.
I thought I once heard at an assembly the speaker saying that aborted fetuses would NOT have a ressurection since they never drew the breath of life. Has anybody else heard that?
What does the WTS mean when they talk about a human soul?
by Peter123 inmaybe this has been discussed here before.
(i'm relatively new and i don't read the site everyday/or week.
) but, if i remember correctly, the wts defined the human soul as being merely one's physical body.
So -- according to that thinking -- is a fetus a soul since it is not breathing?
I'm not trying to argue -- just wondering.
What does the WTS mean when they talk about a human soul?
by Peter123 inmaybe this has been discussed here before.
(i'm relatively new and i don't read the site everyday/or week.
) but, if i remember correctly, the wts defined the human soul as being merely one's physical body.
Maybe this has been discussed here before. (I'm relatively new and I don't read the site everyday/or week.) But, if I remember correctly, the WTS defined the human soul as being merely one's physical body. Then they took a scripture from Genesis about "the breath of life." So, everything that "breathes" is a soul, be it animal or insect. Is my understanding correct?
And if so, where does a human fetus fit into this WT explanation?