uncle jimbo I'm sure Danni will give you all the info you want....
just leave your name and mailing address so she can mail it to you.
it would have taken more much more time to tell it all.
he told us the meeting would began as soon as the other brothers arrived.
danni: i will give you two.
uncle jimbo I'm sure Danni will give you all the info you want....
just leave your name and mailing address so she can mail it to you.
it would have taken more much more time to tell it all.
he told us the meeting would began as soon as the other brothers arrived.
danni: i will give you two.
teejay Have you considered the possibility that you have been used?
I don't mind being used if it's for the right reasons. keep this in mind the people in here didn't say to me go to the meeting and tell those elders off, i told them i was going because they invited me, ididn't have to tell anyone. I could have kept it to myself. But i felt i owed them that because they are the main reasons for my becoming more interested in what was going on. After all, i came in here for a selfish reason. They made me pull myself together on that.
Yadirf is only jerking your chain. You can keep playing with him if you want ... that's fine... but don't confuse me with him
i am already finished with him. no need to explain him any further.
teejay :Think about this: There are corrupt police officers, too. Are ALL of you corrupt? Should I lead a contingent down to my local precinct and start asking serious questions and come to some conclusions because of the reaction they give me?
PLEASE DO i am always the first one to clap when they are caught. Help us out on this i promise you i won't be mad.
teejay: If someone comes in my home accusing me of some straight-up bullshit... more or less pushing me around because they feel they have the right to do so and I don't have any rights ... and especailly dealing w/ my baby girl, well... my reaction won't be all nicey-nice either, I can promise you that girlfriend. Will that mean I'm guilty or trying to hide something? Just because you see a reaction and think you know what it is doesn't make you right.
it wasn't like that, i don't understand why everyone keeps thinking i abused my power , they could have asked me to leave any time. We didn't wear our uniforms just to be sure they didn't misunderstand our intentions. I got that advice from dective.
teejay: All I'm saying is, keep your concern for the kids right were it is. I'm with you there 100%. But realize that in your zeal to find guilty people, stepping on innocent ones is wrong, and by far the majority of the JWs that you will encounter are decent, innocent people. Remember that.
Someone's religion doesn't make me think they are bad people i think said, before that i didn't believe the Jehovah's Witnesses loved their children any less than those on the outside. And if i felt they were all bad i wouldn't have spoken with Joe after all that, he really wanted answers from me after all that.
Believe it or not i like you Teejay. I though you were very kind to me when i first came here and i still do, I wrote prinecess a letter explaining i understand the angry from most of you, because i am an outsider, it doesn't matter that i am a cop. I know most of you feel i had no right to do what i did because it's part of your life and I have only just a few days learned so much from you, but that doesn't make me a member of the family. I will not fight you all back. I didn't to tell what happened but i felt i owed you all that. that's the reason why i did it. I have no hard feelings towards those who are mad with me.
Mindchild your words are well spoken i only wish half of you had said, something when i asked for last minute advice. Maybe I wouldhave held off. who knows.
yrs2long you are a very sweet person i am sorry you were hurt it seem the pain never stops. I saw your passion for Dave and his mother don't change how you are for people you are a beautiful person.
it would have taken more much more time to tell it all.
he told us the meeting would began as soon as the other brothers arrived.
danni: i will give you two.
plmkrzy I don't know any cop who, and i know a lot!,
I have heard that so many times i have lost count. Everytime someone here (city) tells me they know a lot of cops i say, name some i am a cop when they see my badge they lock up LOL..I am sure you do..
Why don't you put together a real investigation and come back and tell about that? plm
Why don't you go and do something period instead of wasting time talking against someone else for doing what you could, have , would, have done if you weren't sitting on your ass complaining about me doing it. And then you can come back and talk with me on my little investigation.
Hey why don't you all just go out there and attack the congregations with meetings. They say, they are opened and willing to talk with anyone that comes there to discuss "any" matters with them. ..
LOL Dave, yadrif funny thing is he's just hot air. He makes no sense he has the nerve to call me a coward but at least i can go to sleep at night knowing I never protected a child molester, I bet he can't say the same thing. I am finish with him.
it would have taken more much more time to tell it all.
he told us the meeting would began as soon as the other brothers arrived.
danni: i will give you two.
Teejay, you are right I don't know how many people are on here. I am seeing names popping up tonight that i never seen before. When I said "you all" I am talking about those that had a lot to do with this. The ones that came to me and talked to me about it. I told them the elders invited me to a meeting. They came to me I didn't come to them I have nothing to gain from any of that other than helping the children.
And I tell you it was all about the kids not me. At first it was over a man why I came here but that changed. I seldom talked with him after all of this. And just so you know Teejay , it wouldn't matter if one letter came to me. I don't dismiss anyone unless I can't find any evidence to support the claim. The fact that elder were pissed at me about bringing it up proves they were telling the truth. I didn't tell everything that happened in that meeting because it got out of control some people left out of there. One man was clutching his heart. When I offered to call for help all he could think of was the media getting hold of things .That pissed me off he was more worried abut the media than his health what kind of shit is that.?
I am not saying you have to believe me that is your choice but don't dismiss it because you weren't there to see it. I would love to have had you there.
It does not matter anymore.
Yadrif anytime you want to take me to court please do. BUt do your own work and stop being lazy.
it would have taken more much more time to tell it all.
he told us the meeting would began as soon as the other brothers arrived.
danni: i will give you two.
Yadirf Danni
You got some nerve saying something like that to me.Yes, I do have nerve, but it appears that you don't have. It appears that you've lost your nerve at the last minute.
LOLSo now you want to make something funny out of this.
You need help.Are you really sure that you're an officer of the law? You really sound to immature to be. If so though, I can see why you'd refuse to give me the name and numbers that I requested.
You're running, Danni, plain as day! You huff and you puff, but when it all gets down to the nitty-gritty (the heart of a matter) then you cop out ... not good for a person in YOUR claimed profession.
Yadirf you have mistaken me for someone who needs to prove themselves to you. If you don't believe it here and you don't believe the children , you won't believe anyone else. Why don't you go to your congregation and find out for yourself. Is there reason why you are hiding?
You are all talk. Yadrif why don't you talk with the elders the way you are speaking to me maybe it will make a difference. I really don't care what you believe ...
No madapostate don't have that done if you did that I would be no better than those elders I spoke with. I want everyone to be free to speak how they feel.
Don't worry outlaw, they are only proving why it's so hard for victims to come foward. The things I am hearing here, i have already read in letters. They said, no one would believe their story. I believe now they could have had it on video tape and they would still deny it happened. I am seeing it firt hand let them talk.
it would have taken more much more time to tell it all.
he told us the meeting would began as soon as the other brothers arrived.
danni: i will give you two.
plmkrzy I just read regarding the so called investigation sounds like bunk. If anyone wants to get involved then by all means get involved...don't fake it for what ever reasons.
Pork Chop This whole thing doesn't hold water, especially if you know any real officers. I guess there really is a sucker born every minute.
I guess now I understand why things happened way they did at the meeting. Funny it's easy to see now just how easy it is for people to get away with child molesting in the Jehovah's Witnesses... I can only hope the rest of you will do something to stop it. I am sure you will keep coming in here and telling how you want justice to previl and the abuse of children to stop and that's all you will do. Just keep coming in here and talking about it. Prove it to yourselves go to your congregations and talk with the elders behind closed doors. Boy are you going to get your feelings hurt.
it would have taken more much more time to tell it all.
he told us the meeting would began as soon as the other brothers arrived.
danni: i will give you two.
Yadirf All you've got to worry about is the truth. If you're not afraid of the truth, then why not produce the info? You are a defender of law and order, are you not?
You got some nerve saying something like that to me. You don't approve the way I uphold the law remember? I remind you of a bad incident that occured when you were a little boy rember LOL..You need help.
it would have taken more much more time to tell it all.
he told us the meeting would began as soon as the other brothers arrived.
danni: i will give you two.
OUTLAW Hey danni,It would be sweet if this went public,but they`ve already tried to gag you.So I guess they don`t want that..LOL...OUTLAW
That's true, but anytime they want to take there i am game. I am willing to show just how christian they were acting up in there.
Funny how dective keeps talking about the abuse of power coming from me but he haven't said one thing about the elders abusing their power over all their memebers to keep them quiet and from speaking out.Talk about being two faced.
It just occured to me that maybe there are a few people in here who really wanted a change but there are many of you are hurt by my going there (congregation) to confront the elders. At the same time you are forgetting they invited me. I guess it's just all talk coming from some of you. They really don't want a change at all. I was told twice in mail that some are using the victims for self-serving reasons. I see that now. I don't mean the good ones here . I am talking about the ones that really have a problem with me at least trying to put an end to the abuse. You don't give a damn about them,Maybe there was some truth in yo yo's words the other day. I don't know.
it would have taken more much more time to tell it all.
he told us the meeting would began as soon as the other brothers arrived.
danni: i will give you two.
detective And one other thing. I do believe I DID warn you to use caution, review your goals and be perfectly clear that you were not there on official business. I think that's when you implied I was a lawyer(?) or otherwise tried to laugh off my warnings? So please don't suggest that everyone was gung ho on your approach. Again, I'm glad you feel motivated, I'm just not a fan of abusing power.
again there are a lot of things that were left out in here and I am not going over it again. That's your opinion about my so called abuse of power. I never asked to join them there and i don't know but if you knew anything about what I do, cops are never off the clock...
You sound just like those elders in that room, they don't feel they should obey the law unless they are getting something personal out of it. Tell me why don't you go and use your knowledge with the elders who knows maybe you too can make a difference in there. After all you give great adivce behind your computer let's see you go there and stop the abuse than come and question me.
shimmer I have attended 5 different KH at different times and we have never met at 7:30 am. And children are usually not allowed to "run around and play", and the teens were usually not separated out on different sides of the KH.
Sorry wish I could argue with you about if the Jehovah's Witnesses let their kids pick their noses or not in the congregations but the truth is I don't know what rules they have for children there. I can only tell you what i seen. I was there at 7:30 am. I didn't say the they were on different sides of the kingdom hall I said, they were in separte groups. Girls on one side boys on the other. Left side right side. get it.
Notice the part where he says "if we do not bow to him he will see us in hell". I can't imagine a JW elder saying that
I don't know what he was i didnt call the man an elder i made it a point to let you know where the voice came from and that's how i referred to him through the whole thread.
They were saying a lot more than hell in there. Like i said, if i have to subpoena all those witnesses up there I have no problem with that , but the truth will come out if they want to take to the public. It makes no difference to me.
it would have taken more much more time to tell it all.
he told us the meeting would began as soon as the other brothers arrived.
danni: i will give you two.
Yadirf Danni
Would you be willing to give me the name and phone number of the Mayor of your city, and the phone number of your superior if I email you?
LOL So you want to destroy my career over this? Let me tell you, if i go down because of this and just one child went to the police when hurt it's worth me losing everything..No i don't know what you are up to I do know you said you can't resepect me so you can't be up to any good. Do what I did investigate it on your own.I just don't trust you.