Well, Leolaila, number one Josephus did say only they used different methods of crucified the jews during the jerusalem siege i have josephus works. Now about the graphii they found nad it though to be dated of the 2nd century yes is a cross protraying jesus with a head of a donkey. but scienties make mistakes. for many years it was supposed that the nails were used in the wrists saying that the hand could not hold the weith of the body, but now in the las few years a dr. frederic zubige has made experimentes in his state of the art laboratory. and the conlcusion , is and you can see that there was only 20 pounds of weight in each arm. Now, i don't no , what religion you practiced, I'm just a beleiver. not a jw. In the same program in the ngc, they said that in the bible did not told us nothing about jesus falls, but is obvious that he fall or at least staggered. because the romans forced simon of cirene to carried his pole or patibulum if you see it like that. I ask 3 years ago Joe Zias the antropologies of jerusalem if could be possible that Jesus died on s sinlge pole. and he told me yes that could had been possible of many forms. There is not really any crucifix of the 1st century. nobody knows really how was Jesus shaped cross, and it is been years that archeologies are trying to find something of the 1st century so this debate will have and end, unfortunately, jerusalem was destroyed by the romans, then by the muslims in the cruzades. etc. and if there is some evidence about the single pole is beneath the city of jerusalem. one more time is not a fact that jesus died on a cross with 2 pieces of wood forming a cross is a possibility not a fact like he could had died in a single post too. Now if you beleive more in historians that in religious liders according to the ngc , Jesus was probably had a ligh scourging, because the romans could had kill him if he could had been flogged more than the ordinary, according to Gibson's movie. He was altmost killed at the spot i think the movie is a litle exagerated it was to much, but i dont beleive too that it was a little flogging, because he can't carried his own patibulum or pole.Now will never know the truth on how Jesus cross was, hopefully some day archeologiest wil find some relics of the first century to confirm that it was a cross or a single pole.
JoinedPosts by lemans7
The facts on crucifixion, stauros, and the "torture stake"
by Leolaia infinally, i will look at biblical and patristic evidence bearing on the crucifixion of jesus in particular.
we need to examine the earliest known descriptions of the kind of crucifixion adopted by the romans and the specific terms they used to refer to it.
apparently the society believes that crux still meant "stake" in the second century a.d., when tacitus composed his annals.
The facts on crucifixion, stauros, and the "torture stake"
by Leolaia infinally, i will look at biblical and patristic evidence bearing on the crucifixion of jesus in particular.
we need to examine the earliest known descriptions of the kind of crucifixion adopted by the romans and the specific terms they used to refer to it.
apparently the society believes that crux still meant "stake" in the second century a.d., when tacitus composed his annals.
Also in april of 2005 in the national geographic channel, was televised and special program called , quest for the truth, the crucifiction. in this documentary, they depict of the different methods of execution included the torture stake or single poll.
The facts on crucifixion, stauros, and the "torture stake"
by Leolaia infinally, i will look at biblical and patristic evidence bearing on the crucifixion of jesus in particular.
we need to examine the earliest known descriptions of the kind of crucifixion adopted by the romans and the specific terms they used to refer to it.
apparently the society believes that crux still meant "stake" in the second century a.d., when tacitus composed his annals.
Well, look if i were a roman i would used the easiest way to crucified a criminal, and that would had been using a single post, do you think, they really would had waisted their time trying to put together to pieces of wood?
The facts on crucifixion, stauros, and the "torture stake"
by Leolaia infinally, i will look at biblical and patristic evidence bearing on the crucifixion of jesus in particular.
we need to examine the earliest known descriptions of the kind of crucifixion adopted by the romans and the specific terms they used to refer to it.
apparently the society believes that crux still meant "stake" in the second century a.d., when tacitus composed his annals.
I just post the works of justus lipsius , the cruce, it is interesting the different methods of crucifiction that he depicts in his works, though the ancient form of punishment is using the single pole, or the crux simplex. later on was used the patibulum.
The facts on crucifixion, stauros, and the "torture stake"
by Leolaia infinally, i will look at biblical and patristic evidence bearing on the crucifixion of jesus in particular.
we need to examine the earliest known descriptions of the kind of crucifixion adopted by the romans and the specific terms they used to refer to it.
apparently the society believes that crux still meant "stake" in the second century a.d., when tacitus composed his annals.