I'm sure that he needed a car that could adequately fit all of his bootlegged whiskey. This member of the "Faithful Slave" was hardly discreet with his speech, or in the spending of his brethren's money.
Posts by Arthur
Judge Rutherford's Cadillac in Awake magazine
by homesoulwt ini don't know the date but it must be in the jan issues of the awake magazine between 1999-2004. it mentioned the subject of automobiles and it had a photo of a 16 cylendar cadillac and the man next to is no other than judge rutherford himself.
has anyone seen that article?
hope for your replies.
by RichieRich inso i work at a bar.
i'm a bouncer.. a floor guy to be specific.
(in any bar, there's people assigned to the door, and people assigned to the floor- newbies get to stand in the rain and look at ids while floor guys maintain order inside the joint).. anyhow, i had kicked some guy out of the bar last week.
Is this Jehovah's way of showing me my errors in life?
Jeremiah 1:9:
"At that Jehovah thrust his hand out and caused it to touch my mouth"
I don't know Richie Rich. You might want to consider attending the Watchtower study tommorow.
JW's Google Search--Is Google the answer to Bringing Down the WBTS??
by horrible life infun with google.
by sap(sap) .
the fact that i will no longer have hundreds of jehovah's witnesses checking out my blog looking for the source of this statement:.
Hopefully the Internet, and Google, will help put a dent in new recruits. They seem to have slowed growth down in the US and Europe, and caused negative growth in Japan.
I have no doubt that this has been the case. Just from private conversations that I have had with people, it seems that people who are curious about the Witnesses usually always look them up on the internet. Almost nobody in the U.S. buys a car, a house, or an insurance policy without getting some information on the internet first. Why wouldn't they do this with a religion also?
Before I left the organization, I began to notice that when we would approach people in service; they would sometimes ask if we were affiliated with the "Watchtower" before we even opened our mouth. This was peculiar, as many people at one time used to call us "those Jehovahs". But now, looking back, I realize that those were very likely people who had researched us; enough to know that we are directed by the Watchtower Society.
You just can't fool a savvy consumer in this information age.
The Governing Body must stop this wickedness & reproach NOW
by yaddayadda inthe watchtower society said the following as part of their media statement concerning the recent multi-million dollar settlement of 16 child abuse court claims: .
and we will continue to do our utmost to protect children from this horrible crime and sin.
how utterly abysmal is the society's failure to follow their own advice.
I believe that the whole organizational structure is set up in such a way that true reform is impossible. Any member of the Governing Body that tries to put a stop to this bull**** and means it will be dealt with as Raymond Franz was.
Yeah, I completely agree this as well. This is essentially what Ray Franz himself has stated a number of times - that the whole organizational concept (as developed by Rutheford) is the real chain that shackles the GB.
They can make cosmetic "reforms" such as changes in committees, corporations, and anything else you might see on a flow chart. The only way that true significant reforms could be possible is by dismantling the doctrinal structures (governing body, two classes of Christians) which prevent this from taking place. How many people in the past have willingly relinquished that kind of power?
JW's Google Search--Is Google the answer to Bringing Down the WBTS??
by horrible life infun with google.
by sap(sap) .
the fact that i will no longer have hundreds of jehovah's witnesses checking out my blog looking for the source of this statement:.
I don't think that the Watchtower Society needs to be "brought down". Given enough time, they will do more than enough damage to themselves. The ways in which they are demanding unquestioning and robotic allegiance to the leadership is going to continue to wear thin on it's members. The atmosphere of legalism continues to drive more and more away. Their unloving and coercive methods of mind control and psychological manipulation will continue to push people away. Ironically, the more they try to force people into compliance and conformity; the more the members will begin to ask questions. There is already a very large "revolving door" within the membership.
The Watchtower Society with it's leadership is like a toxic parent. They alienate and push away their kids while insisting that they are blameless. They simply do not have the slightest ability to admit wrongdoing, or accept accountability. When things go wrong; it is always the fault of "the flock" or of "opposers". Throughout history, this is one of the hallmark characteristics of dictators.
I think that the Watchtower's refusal to show personal responsibility or accountability while continuing to push and coerce it's members on the organization's treadmill will push more and more JWs to explore the internet for answers. The internet is their biggest threat. It is the proverbial "horse that is out of the barn".
This is why I say that no one really needs to feel like they must "bring down" the Watchtower. There's no need to try to knock out an opponent who is beating himself black and blue.
Speculating on New Rules in 2008 and Beyond
by WTWizard ini have read on this site about some of the weird new changes ahead for the watchtower society.
the thread www.jehovahs-witness.com/10/115757/1.ashx had a resolution that effectively banned entertainment, and i doubt that any of the witnesses that were present at last summer's assembly where this was presented even realized it.. then i read that they were going to split the watchtower magazine, giving us a public (showcase) edition and a study (kool-aid) edition.
the study articles would not be open for public scrutiny, which means they are going to beat up on the witnesses without anyone on the outside realizing it (i sure hope blondie continues to get her supply of study articles so she can put up those comments you will not hear at the study).. here are some of my predictions of what might come out of this.
I think that they need to institute a new rule that says all Witness males must lose their virginity by the age of 25, or be disfellowhipped. There's no need to create a similar rule for the sisters. They already do.
by Perry inpress release 07-038 .
ancient t. rex and mastodon protein fragments discovered, sequenced.
68-million-year-old t. rex proteins are oldest ever sequenced.
No, but I am running low on time. I have over 25 guests coming in a few hours to my two year old son's birthday party.
I wish a happy birthday to your son, Perry.
New Watchtower conductor guidelines
by Frequent_Fader_Miles inhinging on an earlier thread on this topic; here's a quotation from the text of the letter to all elders:.
"the kingdom ministry school textbook emphasizes the importance of thorough preparation on the part of the study conductor.
but this does not mean that he should introduce additional material from his own personal research and thus possible overshadow what has been published in the magazine.
Watchtower studies are designed to condition people exactly what to think; yet lead them to believe that they reached such conclusions on their own.
By allowing the audience to actively participate by answering questions (even though the answers have already been decided upon by headquarters) the audience believes that they are really participating in an open dicsussion.
It reminds of the ride at Disney Land called Mr. Toad's Wild Ride. The children on the ride sit in car with a steering wheel. They get to playfully turn the wheel as it is guided along on an automated track. The child gets the pleasure of believing that they are steering the car, when in reality, the route and the movement of the car is being controlled by someone else. Funny, but sad.
Comments you will not hear at the 5-13-07 WT Review (Loyal to GB Jesus)
by blondie inloyal to christ and his faithful slave.
what interesting points: cross, christmas, pyramid.
q12, 13) what scriptural reasons are there for showing respect for the slave class?.
In the first century congregations after Christ died, who and how governed the congregations? how did they organize the preaching work, give talks, assignments, instructions,
This is a really good question. If the council at Jerusalem was really instituted by Christ to be a permanent administrative body with supreme legislative and judicial powers, why is there no evidence of a body being formed after the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 C.E.? In John's writings (written after the year 70, according to the WTS) why is there no mention of this Governing Body?
If this was a divine arrangement, it would certainly be essential, even critical to the functioning of the Christian faith after the year 70. Yet, why is there no evidence of this? Even in the book of Revelation with it's messages to the seven congregations; there is no mention of a centralized administrative body.
However, let us not raise these questions which show a prideful spirit, lest we become just like Korah in his rebellion to Moses!
Comments you will not hear at the 5-13-07 WT Review (Loyal to GB Jesus)
by blondie inloyal to christ and his faithful slave.
what interesting points: cross, christmas, pyramid.
q12, 13) what scriptural reasons are there for showing respect for the slave class?.
The implications of this article are abundantly clear: the mediator for most Jehovah's Witnesses is a body of religious leaders - not Christ. How are they different from Catholics who must give obedience and loyalty to the Vatican and the Pope?
The apostle Paul wrote at 1 Corinthians 7:23: "You were bought with a price; stop becoming slaves of men". Was Paul just joking around when he wrote this?
This above Watchtower article is so rediculous in it's manipulation and the twisting and misapplication of Scripture; one could almost swear that it is a joke - one of those prank articles that you see posted on this forum. How sad indeed.