Sorry but I would like to see more proof for 9000 dying.
Posts by job
Blood night on the conference call Saturday Jan. 31,2009
by lavendar infrom rick fearon of the six screens of the watchtower (
the conference call for this week is entitled "blood night".
upwards of 9,000 jehovah's witnesses die for refusing blood transfusions each year.
Just read the God Delusion- JWs get a mention!!
by Kudra indriving back from dallas to tucson i listened to in on my ipod.
unabridged version.. what surprised me is how sentimental dawkins is.
once or twice he made me tear up.
there are loads of academic and popular science books that deal with this if you want to learn more about natural selection.
Again it seems we have examples of the strawman defence. Natural selection is not evidence of evolution. If you had a tribe the weak would die and the strong would live or survive. Where is the evolution in that, just plain logic to me. Sorry I don't need to read any science books for what would be obvious to a caveman.
feel obligated to argue for the theory of gravity, or to argue the evidence against
Again, I find it amusing that the testable, observable theory of gravity is compared and spoke about in the same context as the theory of evolution. That is not meant to sound condescending or negative, I'm just saying.
With respect, Bill
Just read the God Delusion- JWs get a mention!!
by Kudra indriving back from dallas to tucson i listened to in on my ipod.
unabridged version.. what surprised me is how sentimental dawkins is.
once or twice he made me tear up.
Is the Bombardier Beetle a product of adaptiveness?
Just read the God Delusion- JWs get a mention!!
by Kudra indriving back from dallas to tucson i listened to in on my ipod.
unabridged version.. what surprised me is how sentimental dawkins is.
once or twice he made me tear up.
Well actually there is evidence of evolution adaptiveness of a species ,
Sorry I don't see adaptiveness as evidence of evolution, animals that don't adapt don't surive.
That video is a setup. Dawkins describes what happened at
What did you think he was going to say after the event. On this occasion I have used my eyes and hears to make a judgement. ;-]
I noticed he still did not give a decent reply or examples to the question.
Just read the God Delusion- JWs get a mention!!
by Kudra indriving back from dallas to tucson i listened to in on my ipod.
unabridged version.. what surprised me is how sentimental dawkins is.
once or twice he made me tear up.
job Opps!
I thought evolution was progressive and something that happens continually.
Simple question really, where can we see active examples of evolution today without you telling us to look at a germ. lol
Did you "cry" when the JW's elders Disfellowshipped or Disassociated you?
by booker-t inmy niece who is 19 and involved with a "married" man had to meet with her jw's elders last week.
she was terrified because the elders have told her time and time again to get rid of her "married" boyfriend but she refused.
she is head over heels in love with the guy.
Dont be so hard on yourself fleaman,now wipe that foam from your Job
by unclebruce inafter many years studying ancient history and being comfortable as a taoist i'm starting to accept that jesus the man might not have been such a bad bloke.
after researching the history of the jewish struggle against the romans my jesus has gone from a vague paulian myth to a man i can respect and admire.
an underground fighter against oppression.
Dont be so hard on yourself fleaman,now wipe that foam from your mouth.
love Job
Did you "cry" when the JW's elders Disfellowshipped or Disassociated you?
by booker-t inmy niece who is 19 and involved with a "married" man had to meet with her jw's elders last week.
she was terrified because the elders have told her time and time again to get rid of her "married" boyfriend but she refused.
she is head over heels in love with the guy.
The Tetragram (YHWH)
by RevFranklin inthis is the watchtower's equivalent to the theory of evolution - there is no evidence but it must be so.
in fact all the evidence points to the contrary.
there is not one new testament manuscript known today in which the tetragram appears and there is no evidence of a conspiracy to get rid of the tetragram.
Queen of England you said..............thanks,Now which QUEEN was that? Dont say her name that would be tooooooooo helpful,and by the way its toooooooo holy,just use a special code only you know.
my head is hurting again LOVE JOB
The Tetragram (YHWH)
by RevFranklin inthis is the watchtower's equivalent to the theory of evolution - there is no evidence but it must be so.
in fact all the evidence points to the contrary.
there is not one new testament manuscript known today in which the tetragram appears and there is no evidence of a conspiracy to get rid of the tetragram.
I bet when christ was asked by the Romans,Jews and Greeks "which god he served/represented? " When he said the " ALMIGHTY." Everything suddenly become clear,after all who else could he be talking about.
Love JOB
lets not start on that forgetful Pharaoh,THE PLANK.