For one, happydad, I didn't start the post. For two I was commenting on the fact that I know who this person is and I know they are still a witness and some of these things he did, he did while living under his parents roof. Knowing his dad is an elder and using the WT criteria for elders I was confused how things like this could happen, while someone like this lived in a elder household. I have never met Guy Pierce and wish nothing bad for him. I was just intrigued due to the fact that elders have so many requirments, I assumed that GB members had more, and was wondering why hardly any of his children or step children weren't in the truth.
Posts by snarf
GB Scandal?
by XBEHERE ina friend of mine got this info to me and states that this info is in fact on the grandson of guy pierce, gb member aka the jw college of cardinals.
this person didnt really go into detail but did say that the family are all jw's and this is the son of one of his stepsons, i didnt even realize he had stepchildren.
most of the charges are for drug possesion, traffic violations, one for assault???
GB Scandal?
by XBEHERE ina friend of mine got this info to me and states that this info is in fact on the grandson of guy pierce, gb member aka the jw college of cardinals.
this person didnt really go into detail but did say that the family are all jw's and this is the son of one of his stepsons, i didnt even realize he had stepchildren.
most of the charges are for drug possesion, traffic violations, one for assault???
hmmm, why is no one commenting? I for one think this is a travesty, aren't GB members supposed to be perfect?
GB Scandal?
by XBEHERE ina friend of mine got this info to me and states that this info is in fact on the grandson of guy pierce, gb member aka the jw college of cardinals.
this person didnt really go into detail but did say that the family are all jw's and this is the son of one of his stepsons, i didnt even realize he had stepchildren.
most of the charges are for drug possesion, traffic violations, one for assault???
Hello serendipity!
Questions for JW in Bible studies
by Shazard inhere was thread which gave me this idea .
is there some good "compilation" of good questions (not too much) to ask jw in bible studies with potential new jw to expose their "truth".
i know there are hundreds of questions, dozens of sites with different questions for jw, but i am thinking about specific questions to ask in presence of new student and their "teacher" to plant seeds of doubt in the student that there is something wrong with studies!
Here is something I was "encouraged" to do during my bible studies as they progressed. I was having difficulty progressing as the family I married into were all witnesses and on the flip side were also very abusive (the family). I was told that maybe some of the items that I owned previous to my relationship and also items I aquired from my relatives upon their death could be possesed by demons. I was "encouraged" to go through my entire house and gather up these things that were given to me or that I had aquired prior the relationship and burn them. Also, i was shown an article from a 1969 issue from an awake magazine about demonic pessesion in items witnesses had purchased from garage sales, goodwill, or gifts they were given.Now to me at the time, and certianly now, that view seems a little supersticiuos. So, first ask the witnnes their views on superstitions. Of course they will say they do not believe in superstions, then if you have the ability to refernece the awake from 1969 (I appologize I "burned" mine when I decided to leave), then ask how it is possible.
Another thing to ask is their law on two witnesses being present in order to prove the wrong doing of someone in the organization. Do child molesters molest children in view of at least one other person? Hardly never, so therefore the child in coming forth with the allegations of abuse would not be believed unless another person came forward with proof of the event.Do wife beaters beat their wives in view of another person, never in my personal experience.
Hope this has helped.
Where is true religion?
by snarf incan anyone tell me of a religious organization that preaches truth?
or are all organizations full of lies and man made beliefs?
Thank you all for your input. I truly believe there is a God, but with so much hypocrasy and manipulation with religous leaders and organizations it seems impossible to learn the things necessary to have hope for our lives and the life after. It almost seems hopeless to even try and go to a church, synagogue, or other place of worship, due to the fact you would waste more time weeding through the crap than actually getting answers. So many wonderful and intelligent people on this site. Thank you all for your input.( Sorry, said that already.)
GB Scandal?
by XBEHERE ina friend of mine got this info to me and states that this info is in fact on the grandson of guy pierce, gb member aka the jw college of cardinals.
this person didnt really go into detail but did say that the family are all jw's and this is the son of one of his stepsons, i didnt even realize he had stepchildren.
most of the charges are for drug possesion, traffic violations, one for assault???
Thank you, it is nice to be here.
Where is true religion?
by snarf incan anyone tell me of a religious organization that preaches truth?
or are all organizations full of lies and man made beliefs?
so i have noticed. when i left the witnesses i still wanted to learn, but i have learned through my quest for knowledge that everyone is soooo different on the beliefs and even which interpretation of the bible they use.
by IP_SEC insupposedly the mayan long count calendar ends on this day with a rare astrological conjunction.
speculation as to what happens that day runs from the end of time to nothing special.
do you think the hype on this will be greater than 2000?
I do believe that there will be many religions prophecying that the date will be the end of time, they are just trying to figure out how to take the credit away from the mayans first. There have been shows on this topic on the history channel. Be careful though, if you spend your life waiting for a date you could miss out on enjoying your life now.
Where is true religion?
by snarf incan anyone tell me of a religious organization that preaches truth?
or are all organizations full of lies and man made beliefs?
Can anyone tell me of a religious organization that preaches truth? Or are all organizations full of lies and man made beliefs?
GB Scandal?
by XBEHERE ina friend of mine got this info to me and states that this info is in fact on the grandson of guy pierce, gb member aka the jw college of cardinals.
this person didnt really go into detail but did say that the family are all jw's and this is the son of one of his stepsons, i didnt even realize he had stepchildren.
most of the charges are for drug possesion, traffic violations, one for assault???
I know of this person and as far as I know is still a witness in good standing and the father is an Elder at a congregation. Very interesting.