Beautiful beautiful beautiful. Very gorgeous pics ! Where were they taken?
Posts by snarf
August In Photos (OFG Is Still Alive)
by OpenFireGlass inbonus pictures.... bear scratching post.... .
some of the mess i have to clean up..... .
my dog waiting for me in cab of the truck.... .
I couldn't believe what I heard
by snarf ini posted last week about wanting ideas to bring up for a visit from my old teacher and her elder husband.
the visit went awesome, they only managed to stay for 3 1/2 hours then made up a lame excuse and bolted out of here as fast as they could.
i am very grateful for the responses i recieved, although we never made it to those issues, i didn't get a chance.
AudeSapere -
I felt pretty good after they left. I was not mean in anyway, neither were they, other than the fact that they said we all couldn't hang out. I felt like I was heard, although they probably made excuses of me being to wordly for them to reach. It was also good for my daughter, cause she was also able to voice her opinions on some of her issues as well, and I think it taught her that she can agree to disagree with someone and still be respectful about it.
I couldn't believe what I heard
by snarf ini posted last week about wanting ideas to bring up for a visit from my old teacher and her elder husband.
the visit went awesome, they only managed to stay for 3 1/2 hours then made up a lame excuse and bolted out of here as fast as they could.
i am very grateful for the responses i recieved, although we never made it to those issues, i didn't get a chance.
Thanks!!! I think I did a really great job, my 12 year old was sitting there the whole time and she even said"that doesn't make sense".
They left after I debated for 2 hours on a person's "heart condition". I informed them that just because I didn't go to any meetings, associate only with witnesses, preach the bible at every chance I got, doesn't mean my "heart condition" was any less valuable in the eyes of Jehovah than theirs. Only God knows my "heart condition" , not them or any other group of imperfect men. Just because I will never go back to a kingdom hall or study again, doesn't mean I love God any less and my relationship with God is personal, between God and I one else, and that no one had the right to pass judgment on me.
Then they
I couldn't believe what I heard
by snarf ini posted last week about wanting ideas to bring up for a visit from my old teacher and her elder husband.
the visit went awesome, they only managed to stay for 3 1/2 hours then made up a lame excuse and bolted out of here as fast as they could.
i am very grateful for the responses i recieved, although we never made it to those issues, i didn't get a chance.
I posted last week about wanting ideas to bring up for a visit from my old teacher and her Elder husband. The visit went awesome, they only managed to stay for 3 1/2 hours then made up a lame excuse and bolted out of here as fast as they could. I am very grateful for the responses I recieved, although we never made it to those issues, I didn't get a chance. I was never baptised, but when I was studying, my husband at the time was cheating on me and I was unable to prove it although I brought them ALOT of proof. I asked them, had I been baptised, what would have happened to me if I decided to take the same path as I did by leaving the Org. They tried to ping-pong the issue by saying I wasn't so no action could be taken. Being aware of that fact, I again redirected them to the question at hand, but what if I had been baptised. The Elder then proceeded to empathise with my situation back then, and beings I was under great stress, if I had gone out drinking, got drunk, had a one-night stand, but was repentant and came forward right away, nothing but a good talking to would have happened and I would have then been scriptually free from the marriage as I would have commited adultery. I asked what would have happened had I did what I did, which was meeting my fiance and respecting myself and him as well by waiting for "relations" until I felt ready, which wasn't for about 6 months after we met, but I don't feel repentant over it, and I continue on with the relationship? He said, well, then I would have been disfellowshipped.
So, they were telling me that a one night stand is more forgiveable in the eyes of Jehovah than a long term respectable relationship resulting in marriage.
Am I way off here or is this really stupid thinking on their part?
I did manage to get alot of closeure from this meeting and I don't think they will ever return. I played nice and told them we would love to have them over to our house some night to grill out some steaks and hang out, but they said since I am not in the Org., that was out of the question, I actually felt kinda sorry for them.
What Dub Habits have you kept?(On accident or on Purpose?)
by mama1119 in.
i think that when you are in a cult like the dubs, things stick with you whether you want them to or not.
i still pray before meals and bedtime...anybody else?
I aimlessly walk around the neighborhood knocking on poeple's doors on Saturday, just kidding.
I back down to my fiance all the time when he asks my opinion on matters concerning money "respecting his position as head of the household". He hates it. He wants me to make the final decision and I still can't.
Everyone has a song
by Wordly Andre ineveryone has a song that reminds them of a particular moment in their lives, happy or sad or sometimes indifferent.
its only that when you hear that song it takes you back even catching you off guard and suddenly your back in high school or remembering someone you loved and lost.
how many of you have a song that reminds you of leaving the org.
I'm moving on by Rascall Flatts
Women in the Org.
by snarf indoes anyone know of any links or have any info on women's role in the congregation and why the jw are either right or wrong?
i always felt they were wrong, but it was always just a gut feeling.
does anyone have any info on if any women held positions of authority during the bible times concerning a congregation.
I wasn't trying to be hateful, I just wanted to let you know I wasn't trying to get more responses than you My posts never last long either, I think my topics have a shelf life of 1 day. I did get a lot of info though after eading it and I think I will put it to good use.
Women in the Org.
by snarf indoes anyone know of any links or have any info on women's role in the congregation and why the jw are either right or wrong?
i always felt they were wrong, but it was always just a gut feeling.
does anyone have any info on if any women held positions of authority during the bible times concerning a congregation.
Thank you all so much for your input! Lovelylil what an awesome wealth of help you have given me here. I looked up some stuff out of the Insight on the Scriptures book under Priscilla and all it said was that she was a great helper to her husband Aquila, but it doesn't say to what extent. I posted earlier this week about my old teacher and her husband coming and am trying to let her know why I will not return ever to the EVIL ORG> but I wanted some scriptures to back it up a little instead of personal opinions.
Flash, sorry I posted the same topic my computer is off and on and I missed that days posts. I read your post and got even more info I needed, so thank you very much as well.
Women in the Org.
by snarf indoes anyone know of any links or have any info on women's role in the congregation and why the jw are either right or wrong?
i always felt they were wrong, but it was always just a gut feeling.
does anyone have any info on if any women held positions of authority during the bible times concerning a congregation.
Does anyone know of any links or have any info on women's role in the congregation and why the JW are either right or wrong? I always felt they were wrong, but it was always just a gut feeling. Does anyone have any info on if any women held positions of authority during the Bible times concerning a congregation. I am thinking of the name Priscilla that rings a bell, but not sure, it has been a long time. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Witnesses coming to "visit" need help please (kinda long)
by snarf ini married into a witness family 5 years ago.
i am now divorced and out of that family.
when i got married my now ex husband was disfellowshipped at the time.
Does anyone have any links that could help me about the issue of why women can't be M.S., elders, P.O. or have any responsibility in the Org.?