JoinedPosts by hallelujah
What about calling out to Jah?
by hallelujah inthe big to me is what about jehovah.
after years of calling out to jah, literally, i start to wonder whether jah really helps me or rather it's just a type of mantra.
i have started thinking that i have to look after myself.
Follow up to Billboard Idea--this time using e-mail-----your ideas please!
by whyizit inback on page 3266, i asked for ideas about signs and billboards.
you gave some great ideas and suggestions.
i plan to use them very soon.
Hi Whyizit
I think those deceived by Russell and Rutherford into thinking they are now anointed (or at least making a show of believing they are anointed) are in the most danger of all. I've seen the effects on the wife of one claimant and she seemed to live a shattered life -
What about calling out to Jah?
by hallelujah inthe big to me is what about jehovah.
after years of calling out to jah, literally, i start to wonder whether jah really helps me or rather it's just a type of mantra.
i have started thinking that i have to look after myself.
Hi Anewme - I've felt the same way. (Actually I've ordered "Jehovah Unmasked" on amazon - it looks like an interesting read).
I mentioned in an above post about the sacrifice of Jephthah and how she's one way or the other supposed to be happily (or unhappily) sacrificed to Jehovah. And then I ask, to whom was Jesus sacrificed? If he was sacrificed to God - then what sort of God demands the blood of an innocent in sacrifice. If Jesus was sacrificed to Law, then the law is supposed to be higher than God - but what kind of law demands the blood of an innocent in payment for the sins of others.
I prefer to think of Jesus murder in more rational terms. He though having committed no crime was murdered and yet forgave his murderers. In his death he showed us a way of living.
Actually trying to debrief from one cult is hard enough but when you've got to debrief from two it's pretty serious. I suppose it must be pretty bad too for people who grew up in the hold of the WTS. The combined effects on me was pretty devastating - surrendering personal autonomy to another person, - leaves an empty head and heart when it comes to directing your own life.
As for the importance of using the name "Jehovah" - the German middle ages interpretation of YHWH, I noticed in the Bible that Jesus called out repeatedly to "Father", and furthermore invited us to do the same in the Lord's prayer.
So much for the "discovery" by the leader/s of the WTS that none of us (only the 144,000 - the chosen ones, the anointed of God, Christs Brother's, Jehovah's virgin wives, etc ad nauseum, are God's children. Jesus asked us to pray to our Father.
You will be
What about calling out to Jah?
by hallelujah inthe big to me is what about jehovah.
after years of calling out to jah, literally, i start to wonder whether jah really helps me or rather it's just a type of mantra.
i have started thinking that i have to look after myself.
How do I make these replies look like everyone elses???
I'm a Sydney sider married to a witness - and I'm trying to let her know the real danger she's in from the WTS. I think the WTS is an occult which worships the dead men's bones of Russell and Rutherford and the belief in the anointment of the 144,000
What about calling out to Jah?
by hallelujah inthe big to me is what about jehovah.
after years of calling out to jah, literally, i start to wonder whether jah really helps me or rather it's just a type of mantra.
i have started thinking that i have to look after myself.
Thanks I appreciate that. I've come to the same conclusion since Jesus never killed anyone.
YHWH - Jehovah killed quite a lot of innocent children in the early parts of the old testament. Never could get a satisfactory answer from an 'elder' about that?
What's the FDS?
What about calling out to Jah?
by hallelujah inthe big to me is what about jehovah.
after years of calling out to jah, literally, i start to wonder whether jah really helps me or rather it's just a type of mantra.
i have started thinking that i have to look after myself.
That's what I first saw too, that suffering to preach a lie of different classes of human beings was the essence of the Watchtowersociety.
Another thing, what about the Jephthah's sacrifice of his daughter to YHWH at Judges 11:39. This was done by Jephthah in thanks for YHWH giving him victory over his enemies. While biblical scholars acknowledge this as human sacrifice amongst the hebrews of the old testament, the WTS says that this was only a figurative sacrifice of her father compelling her to remain a virgin for the rest of her life. This doesn't sit well with the verse as generally which states that what he did to her was an act which he did to her (not something which he continued to prevent her from doing for the rest of her life)
What about calling out to Jah?
by hallelujah inthe big to me is what about jehovah.
after years of calling out to jah, literally, i start to wonder whether jah really helps me or rather it's just a type of mantra.
i have started thinking that i have to look after myself.
Hi Bruce. Did you read my post above yours about my experience with Vipassana - a technique of meditation supposed to have been taught by Gautama Buddha? Sounds nice in theory but when a person surrenders themselves completely to the teacher as requested, this foregoing of personal autonomy is in my experience extremely dangerous and damaging and soul destroying.
I suppose we're all on our own to work things out for ourselves - just as Jesus did.
Is stepping down from being an elder a big deal?
by Clam inrecently ive discovered that my brother in law has stood down from his position as an elder.
ive of course been intrigued but theres little chance of him discussing it with me.
however the other day my non jw mother (his mother-in-law) asked him why hes resigned from eldership.
Is stepping down from anointed a big deal? I think it's absolutely essential.
Who here is not former Jehovah's Witness?
by omerp injust wondering who else is lurking besides me?
What about calling out to Jah?
by hallelujah inthe big to me is what about jehovah.
after years of calling out to jah, literally, i start to wonder whether jah really helps me or rather it's just a type of mantra.
i have started thinking that i have to look after myself.
Thanks deeskis. Nice to talk to you.