PS Lawrence
This is the link to the court of appeal case which we won
Dan Taylor
i need your help to continue my lawsuit against the watchtower society and the doctor who the watchtower society arranged for to give my daughter arsenic.
the wts lawyer, hlc members and the doctor deceived bethany and lied to her, convincing her that arsenic would cure her.
bethany was convinced that arsenic could cure her and was curing her.
PS Lawrence
This is the link to the court of appeal case which we won
Dan Taylor
i need your help to continue my lawsuit against the watchtower society and the doctor who the watchtower society arranged for to give my daughter arsenic.
the wts lawyer, hlc members and the doctor deceived bethany and lied to her, convincing her that arsenic would cure her.
bethany was convinced that arsenic could cure her and was curing her.
Hi Lawrence
I know what it is like for a family to fight for justice for the death of a member of their family. I helped obtain an order for an exhumation of my wife's former husband who died in custody. It took years. But we won the exhumation in the Court of Appeal without a lawyer and had to fight against the Chief Counsel for the States of Queensland and the Northern Territory. I appeared for my wife as what is called a McKenzie's friend. We won that appeal unanimously. I am interested to know more about your case, - the Canadian common law system is similar to Australia's and I might be able to make a few suggestions.
You can email me on
Daniel Taylor
Check out watchtower astrology
You can check out the above websites
Hence our dear Pastor, now in Glory, is without doubt manifesting a keen interest in the harvest work and is permitted by teh Lord to exercise some strong influence thereupon. Although we recognise that the Lord is the great Master and Director of the harvest, yet we recognise that he would privelege the saints beyond the veil to have a part in the work on this side, and thus all the saints, both in heaven and upon Earth are now given the honour of concluding the work on this side preparatory to the establishment of the kingdom of glory.
wtr 01Dec1896
re Heaven Located in constellation Pleiades
heaven is located in or in connection with the heavenly group, Pleiades
I'm thinking maybe we should all post and share our favourite horrible WT quotes
Hi Greendawn, how did they get rid of the pyramids without getting rid of 1914 and CTR? You must know about constellation Pleiades?
Apparently the Governing body apart from being touched on the lips by Jehovah, are also being directed by Pastor Russell (1Nov1917_p325_327) who's apparently sharing God's throne in constellation Pleiades (wtr 01Dec1896; wtr_May15_1895). In addition, these events are confirmed by the positions of the planets Uranus, Saturn, and Jupiter(WT_1May1903)
(Hey this is easy, we can play the same game the WTBATS does too.
WT_1May1903_WTS Astrology (We are being directed by the planets)
WT6161_1Nov1917_p325_327_Russell as reaper in heaven
Hence our dear Pastor, now in Glory, is without doubt manifesting a keen interest in the harvest work and is permitted by teh Lord to exercise some strong influence thereupon. Although we recognise that the Lord is the great Master and Director of the harvest, yet we recognise that he would privelege the saints beyond the veil to have a part in the work on this side, and thus all the saints, both in heaven and upon Earth are now given the honour of concluding the work on this side preparatory to the establishment of the kingdom of glory.
wtr 01Dec1896_re Heaven Located in constellation Pleiades
heaven is located in or in connection with the heavenly group, Pleiades
(Any Jedi's up there might check out whether God or Pastor Russell is available on the other side of the veil in constellation Pleiades)
we went to lunch at our local cafe on saturday, and there were two families - still jws, also dining there, (in different parts of the cafe).
we expected the usual shunning treatment, but surprisingly they initiated the "hellos and how are you" and seemed genuinely pleased to see us (we have been out of the org for over 3 yrs now and we are always shunned whenever we see former jw friends) it was such a surprise to us and we couldn't help wondering if the governing body have issued "new light" on the treatment of disassociated ones.
especially as these two families have completely avoided us for a long time, even though we personally wrote to them to explain our reasons for leaving (un involvement etc+) .
the big to me is what about jehovah.
after years of calling out to jah, literally, i start to wonder whether jah really helps me or rather it's just a type of mantra.
i have started thinking that i have to look after myself.
What do you think about the JW's efforts to induct the Aboriginal communities? I can understand why they go to a religion which preaches moderation in alcohol etc. etc.
As several have said to me, where do you go? Well the only thing I can say is that we have to rely on ourselves just like Jesus did.
An Aboriginal community at Napperby asked a pioneer witness couple to leave a couple of years ago. Perhaps they made a decision that they didn't want the proselytising?
sometimes i wonder, with the number of letters that the wt receives refuting doctrine & practices, does the gb really buy what they put out?
or are they just pushing literature and living off the collections from congregations.
i would think that if i received overwhelming evidence of the faultiness of my religion, i'd be forced by my own conscience to change or speak up or make a difference.
Apparently they're being directed by Pastor Russell who's apparently sharing God's throne in constellation Pleiades. (see attached).
PS Check out the the astrology in the watchtower
WT_1May1903_WTS Astrology (We are being directed by the planets)
WT6161_1Nov1917_p325_327_Russell as reaper in heaven
Hence our dear Pastor, now in Glory, is without doubt manifesting a keen interest in the harvest work and is permitted by teh Lord to exercise some strong influence thereupon. Although we recognise that the Lord is the great Master and Director of the harvest, yet we recognise that he would privelege the saints beyond the veil to have a part in the work on this side, and thus all the saints, both in heaven and upon Earth are now given the honour of concluding the work on this side preparatory to the establishment of the kingdom of glory.
wtr 01Dec1896_re Heaven Located in constellation Pleiades
heaven is located in or in connection with the heavenly group, Pleiades
(Any Jedi's up there might check out whether God or Pastor Russell is available on the other side of the veil in constellation Pleiades)
after reading all those threads and articles about how much money the wtbts has squirreled away and invested and after volunteering to serve birthday cupcakes and punch at a homeless shelter run by the combined efforts of first presbyterian church and first methodist in downtown dallas, i have decided that i want my money back.. i want back every single cent that i ever contributed to that jabba the hut of an organization that just sits on its money and never uses a penny of it to benefit its members or the rest of humanity.
i want back the $10,000 that my dad "loaned" the society in the 1970's that they -- 10 years later -- strongly suggested he just give to them to save them the trouble of writing a check.. i want to be paid for the 13 years of regular pioneer service that i wasted on that organization.
let's see, at roughly 100 hours a month (that's what the requirement was back then), 1200 hours a year times 13 + 15,600. hmmm, okay, i'll take minimum wage for it -- isn't that $6.50 an hour now?
Other grounds apart from misrepresentation might include Duress/Misleading and deceptive conduct/Unjust contracts.
after reading all those threads and articles about how much money the wtbts has squirreled away and invested and after volunteering to serve birthday cupcakes and punch at a homeless shelter run by the combined efforts of first presbyterian church and first methodist in downtown dallas, i have decided that i want my money back.. i want back every single cent that i ever contributed to that jabba the hut of an organization that just sits on its money and never uses a penny of it to benefit its members or the rest of humanity.
i want back the $10,000 that my dad "loaned" the society in the 1970's that they -- 10 years later -- strongly suggested he just give to them to save them the trouble of writing a check.. i want to be paid for the 13 years of regular pioneer service that i wasted on that organization.
let's see, at roughly 100 hours a month (that's what the requirement was back then), 1200 hours a year times 13 + 15,600. hmmm, okay, i'll take minimum wage for it -- isn't that $6.50 an hour now?
PS of course don't bother asking for a refund, the only way they would pay is after a court order.
I expect that for a worldwide class action lodged in New York it will take quite a bit of preparation - the establishing of a trust fund whereby the plaintiffs can collectively provide the necessary costs. We are here talking about the entire value of the WTS and a large scale class action of potentially thousands, or tens of thousands of plaintiffs.
A large dynosaur type body such as the WTS would find it difficult to hide it's assetts so there need be no secrecy in preparing such an action