Priest. You've dragged the ugly out of Purps. I hope you are ashamed of yourself mister. First. Time. Ever.
if that's what it take to get a liberal to think then game on.
it's a little late to be posting something like this, but i hope you can help me a little.
i would really like to review some of the pluses and minuses of universal type health care.
so here are some for consideration.
Priest. You've dragged the ugly out of Purps. I hope you are ashamed of yourself mister. First. Time. Ever.
if that's what it take to get a liberal to think then game on.
it's a little late to be posting something like this, but i hope you can help me a little.
i would really like to review some of the pluses and minuses of universal type health care.
so here are some for consideration.
Sure priest73,
Your an ass, plain and simple, does that make enough sense for you.
I have learned it's far too difficult to try to reason with people like you, you have your thinking and I have mine. I appreciate all that you contribute to the
country. It takes what you do to keep things going along with millions of other people.
There is somebody----somewhere on this planet............. saying that about people like you.
Wow. You make a giant leap. You know what my ass did today? I donated $6800 in refurbished computers to the Boys and girls club. They'll get them next week.
In addtion I volunteer 10 hours a week of my time to teach those kids computer skills. If that makes me an asshole then so be it.
it's a little late to be posting something like this, but i hope you can help me a little.
i would really like to review some of the pluses and minuses of universal type health care.
so here are some for consideration.
The bit where I'm responsible for everyone else. Let me know when they're willing to contribute to society.
There is somebody----somewhere saying that about people like you.
can you edit that to make sence? Thanks in advance.
it's a little late to be posting something like this, but i hope you can help me a little.
i would really like to review some of the pluses and minuses of universal type health care.
so here are some for consideration.
erm... which bit needs clarification?
The bit where I'm responsible for everyone else. Let me know when they're willing to contribute to society. Maybe take a drug test prior to collecting my (and beks) money.
it's a little late to be posting something like this, but i hope you can help me a little.
i would really like to review some of the pluses and minuses of universal type health care.
so here are some for consideration.
it's a little late to be posting something like this, but i hope you can help me a little.
i would really like to review some of the pluses and minuses of universal type health care.
so here are some for consideration.
Tort reform is miniscule in relation to overall healthcare cost, as you have pointed out on this very forum. It's the smallest, most not-healthcare-so-much-as-legal-reform, standalone, piece of the puzzle. Deal with it.
Oh! look what the internet shitted out!
it's a little late to be posting something like this, but i hope you can help me a little.
i would really like to review some of the pluses and minuses of universal type health care.
so here are some for consideration.
Oh Christ, I won't bite.
You brought it up doll. Dish or STFU.
it's a little late to be posting something like this, but i hope you can help me a little.
i would really like to review some of the pluses and minuses of universal type health care.
so here are some for consideration.
And that's exactly why Dawkins does not want to live in a Darwinian society.
The rich and successful not_getting_value_for_their_money would leave the rest to wither. They do not see the benefit of someone else getting services at their expense.
it's a little late to be posting something like this, but i hope you can help me a little.
i would really like to review some of the pluses and minuses of universal type health care.
so here are some for consideration.
You benefit from everything you just shot down, whether you personally use them or not
Oh Christ. I'll bite. How do I benefit from service I don't use?
Raise your hand if you believe in evolution? or maybe that deserves a separate thread.
Survial of the fittest? Ding Ding Ding. We have a winner... and America's Biggest Loser!
it's a little late to be posting something like this, but i hope you can help me a little.
i would really like to review some of the pluses and minuses of universal type health care.
so here are some for consideration.
Are you really that ungrateful?
Huh? I'm in the highest tax bracket and I have to enjoy NOT getting social services? I'm not trying to be a wise ass purps. I'm just giving my perspective.