Doe, Priest, Burn, Woods.................I'm sorry.
Did your forget Gregor? BTW admitting you have problem is the first step. You have my support.
it's a little late to be posting something like this, but i hope you can help me a little.
i would really like to review some of the pluses and minuses of universal type health care.
so here are some for consideration.
Doe, Priest, Burn, Woods.................I'm sorry.
Did your forget Gregor? BTW admitting you have problem is the first step. You have my support.
it's a little late to be posting something like this, but i hope you can help me a little.
i would really like to review some of the pluses and minuses of universal type health care.
so here are some for consideration.
Corporate interests have this country in a strangle hold. They have bought and payed for most politicians, yet you and your teabag friends are out there screaming to save them. That is the TRUE Stockhom syndrome going on in this country. It was your God Reagan who perfected your brainwashing.
If a conservative or republican said 2 + 2 = 4, you'd argue that they were wrong. the only reason it's 4 is corp. greed. JESUS.
Sober up. America will thank you.
his motto is "yes we can!
" has he done what you expected?
any concerns?
Will that get you off my back?
You'll thank me once you're clean an sober.
his motto is "yes we can!
" has he done what you expected?
any concerns?
Are you kidding? You know how much cocaine that Just Say No campaign helped bring in to the country??!!
How much of it went up YOUR nose? I swear to the FSM you need an aluminum hat.
his motto is "yes we can!
" has he done what you expected?
any concerns?
You're just pissed at Republicans because of Nancy Reagan's "Just Say No" to drugs campaign. Or the "Illegal War on Drugs."
his motto is "yes we can!
" has he done what you expected?
any concerns?
Beks, you are histerical! Bush was SOOOO last year.
his motto is "yes we can!
" has he done what you expected?
any concerns?
Speaking of that... I wonder if Obama has changed the name of his penis since taking office.
Airforce One is already taken. Hum.
his motto is "yes we can!
" has he done what you expected?
any concerns?
*shaking head in despair*
You guys are hopeless.
Why? I don't mind a First Lady with a little meat on her bones.
his motto is "yes we can!
" has he done what you expected?
any concerns?
Still no cottage cheese!
I see cellulite.
BOOM! are those thunder thighs I hear?
his motto is "yes we can!
" has he done what you expected?
any concerns?
Now, Priest, you know there's nothing remotely cottage cheese about Michelle's toned thighs.
Umm? Did you see her leaning over the Grand Canyon? Cottage Cheese. Next to develop are the bingo wings.