So, David2002, when was the last time you preached in a Temple? Was it because you were unwelcome? I have been invited to speak at many Churches while I was out in the door-to-door work, but always declined to do so. Do you know why I declined? Not because of a lack of about you David2002, why would you decline? Would it be because of the stigma attached by this organization to the buildings where "false religious" practices are carried out? Was not the same true of temples and synagogues after Christ died, were they not false religious institutions?
I was never invited to speak at a church. Well maybe...Once when I visited Houston, TX, I was invited into a home, in which a small group of Pentecostals held a Bible study group. I was somewhat surprise that they let me in (very few Pentecostals in NYC listen to the Witnesses). I spoke about the paradise earth, something they have never appear to hear of. The group of about 4 opened their Bibles and listen to what I had to say. A brother from Texas told 2 of them eventually began to study with the Witnesses.
I do know of a Bethelite that was once invited by someone to speak at her church, because she liked what she heard. But he told he decided to decline because of the church's association with Babylon the Great. But a special pioneer from Venezuela alluded to the fact, that at first Witnesses missionary would sometimes go to churches to show a movie explaining the teaching of Jehovah's Witnesess. Many interested individuals would accept Bible studies. However, once the churches refused to listen to the truth, the Witnesses were no longer welcomed. Similar to what happened to the early apostles, which is why they eventually just meant at homes or other public places to study the Word.
And you also failed to explain why PUBLICATIONS from a manmade Corporation are distributed as part of preaching and teaching. The early disciples used only the Scriptures, I don't know any Witness who could teach all JW dogma with only the Scriptures, do you?
The books, pamphlets and leaflets are just a means of communication the good news. I don't see anything wrong with them. The good news was to preached worldwide and the printed word and other means is a way of preaching the word of God. There have been occassions in which some people wanted to study using the Bible only. I know of a former Pentecostal who started studying that way (he was told by his pastor the WT literature was demonized). But he had deep respect for the Bible, and noticed, that for every question or topic he was interested, the Witnesses used the Bible as the authority. The literature is a means of communication the good news which has to proclaimed throughout the world before the end comes. (Matt. 24:14; Matt. 28:18-20)