All here know that in order for any "policy" to be made by the men in the WTS, the "problem" is far more than sporadic or it wouldn't make them sit up and take notice. This obviously has to be widespread.
The WTS is worse than any other organization, in that it claims to set the bar so high above everyone else, but is, upon closer investigation, no different than the others that it sneers at and calls names to.
The WTS has cheats and liars, thieves and pedophiles, adulterers and stiff-necked, hard to deal with people-------just as any other group on the earth does.....but worse in that they make these boastful claims about their "purity". ;Carrying the name of CCJWs does not mean a thing.....other than what other JWs ;think ;it means in their own deluded minds.
For this reason, you will continue to vilify the Catholic priests ;for the very same hideous and disgusting practices that your own brothers worldwide are doing, and at a very high rate as we are discovering. These "policies" have been handed down by your heirarchy because the problem is rampant, but still you defend them! This is your choice.....but I don't have to agree with it. I am thrilled that this is coming into the light and the WTS is being successfully exposed. They have secretly squirmed around in their own filthy mire long enough....and in dozens of areas other than the pedophile issue.
You are speculating that problem is widespread. From elders I spoke to, as well as others, it is a very tiny percentage. The website collects data on child molestation in churches. The problem is affects all churches. The question is what will the churches do about. Will they follow the Witness sample of disfellowshipping the molesters? Do they encourage it to be reported by the police? From newspapers I read in the past, not just involving the Catholic Church, but others, it appears that churches have kept the problem quiet. Jehovah's Witneses at least disfellowship the abusers, and parents (or the elders) can report it to the authorities. I believe that due to the JW's policy of disfellowshipping molesters (and thus exposing them), that they have less of chance of being infiltrated by unrepentant abusers in the congregation. They also were the first to have a policy to deny the role of an elder to any molester. JW's (and the Amish) are the only religious groups that follow the apostle's Paul instructions to remove the wicked ones (1 Cor. 5:9-12), therefore, they are most likely more protected against the leaven (including the poison from pedophilia) from entering their congregations. Even the Pentecostals, who I thought were very conservative, kept quiet about a pedophile pastor who managed to molest about one hundred boys (see the book Brother Tony's Boys by Mike Echols - advisory, the book is highly disturbing and graphic.)
Sometimes when I have preached to others, I had members from very conservative churches tell me about the problems in their own churches, how the minister is getting away with adultery, how the pastor son got 3 of sisters in church pregnant and just got a slap in his hand.... And when I ask them are they discplined or disfellowshipped, they tell me "no." Interestingly, a recent Christianity Today alluded to the fact many "Christians" engage in premarital sex, some not even knowing that its wrong, and nothing is done by the churches. Perhaps that why a Methodist minister has urged the churches to discipline members (see "Churches Urged to Impose Discipline", South Bend Tribune , Aug. 18th, 2005). Witnesses are children of Adam and Eve, and therefore sinners like everyone else in need of Jesus sacrifice (Rom 5:12, 6:23). But even outsiders admit and our impressed by their efforts to keep the Christian congregation clean, and urging members to remain moral and chaste in Christ. (1 Cor. 6:9-12). Again, I reiterate, that by keeping the congregation clean, following the Bibles command, they have less of a chance of being infected by leaven.