Awesome!! I'm pasting this to my fridge also. Thanks for sharing - I sooooooo needed that today!
Posts by Dawn
The other side of the coin
by Shimmer inbeautifulgarbage's post about the rocks and beck's post about living life over again reminded me of something that i have on my refrigerator that i try to live by.
i am thankful...... for the teenager who is not doing dishes and watching tv, because that means he is at home, not on the streets.. for the taxes that i pay, because it means that i am employed.. for the mess to clean after a party, because it means that i have been surrounded by friends.. for the clothes that fit a little too snug, because it means i have enough to eat.. for my shadow that watches me work, because it means i am out in the sunshine.. for a lawn that needs mowing, windows that need cleaning, and gutters that need fixing, because it means i have a home.. for all the complaining i hear about the government, because it means that we have freedom of speech.. for the parking spot i find at the far end of the parking lot, because it means i am capable of walking and that i have been blessed with transportation.. for my huge heating bill, because it means i am warm.. for the lady behind me in church that sings off key, because it means i can hear.. for the pile of laundry and ironing, because it means i have clothes to wash. .
for weariness and aching muscles at the end of the day, because it means i have been capable of working hard.. for the alarm that goes off in the early morning hours, because it mean that i am alive.. and what's the use in living if you spend your whole life complaining, so always try to look at the bright side.. shimmer
Are Jw's the only ones with apostates....
by VioletAnai inwho viciously attack the teachings and beliefs of their resigned religion?.
i was thinking of this last night....i have never in my life seen a movement so big as the apostates against jw's..... no other religion has displayed this....usually people just quietly leave and get on with their lives and there is no anomosity...even if they have been wronged by their religion.... but with jw's it's's an all out and out attack on anyone and everyone who has something positive to say.... makes me believe the bible and the jw's even more...being here is setting the doubt in my mind right....
Hi Violet:
When people are hurt deeply they often react with anger. The deeper the hurt, the more anger is displayed, and for a longer time.
I have found this to be the case with my situation - for many years I absolutely hated anything and everything to do with JW's. Over these years, however, I have begun to heal and the anger has dissipated.
So when people react with strong anger - keep in mind that they have probably been hurt deeply and are not yet at a healing point where they are able to let go of the anger.
As for whether you should be a JW or not? All I can do is encourage you to read the bible, and research the doctrines of the religion. Pray about it and make your decision. Just be sure that you are basing your decision on the facts that you have researched yourself, and not on what someone else has said (either here on this board or through the JW literature).
God Bless.
Handy Spin Off For the WTS
by ISP in*** w88 12/1 27-8 how shall we repay jehovah?
gifts from old and young.
it is encouraging to read of the faithful determination of elderly ones who, though hoping to survive to the end of this system, make sure, by making an appropriate will, that the kingdom work benefits in the event of their death.
Why...everlasting life on earth of course. But under the rule of the 144, I guess it would be everlasting subjection to the society (YIKES!!!)
Loans from the Society
by Dawn inwhen i was young our congregation built a new kingdom hall.. each month a brother would read the financial info from the platform, and it always consisted of the "payment" for the loan they took out from the society to build the kh, and "interest" for the loan.. did i remember this right?
does the society "loan" $$ at a profit to congregations to build kh's that belong to the society?
that makes no sense at all - i must have not remembered this correctly.
When I was young our congregation built a new Kingdom Hall.
Each month a brother would read the financial info from the platform, and it always consisted of the "payment" for the loan they took out from the Society to build the KH, and "interest" for the loan.
Did I remember this right? Does the society "loan" $$ at a profit to congregations to build KH's that belong to the society? That makes no sense at all - I must have not remembered this correctly.
Perhaps someone here who was an elder and handled the financial information could explain this.
A dilemma regarding the 144,000
by Five Gospels insome of the recent posts regarding the "anointed" got me thinking about some of the characters that i have met, or have known about, professing membership among this elite class of people.. one particular character i know of, even today espousing some, shall we say, interesting viewpoints on matters, had an even more interesting past.
it seems that some years ago (c. 1970's) a typically subdued but otherwise ordinary christian meeting was being closed with a prayer at a small kingdom hall in the north eastern usa when it was suddenly disrupted by this individual (even then professing to be anointed) assaulting his wife at the rear of the hall!
he was pretty much disfellowshiped on the spot for his indiscretion.
But truthfully, for the earthly class, they are given white robes, becasue they have practiced righteousness, but NOT reached perfection. They get 1,000 years to do so. An anointed only gets one lifetime, they wont be PERFECT, but have to reach a level in which God will know they will be LOYAL.
Could you point me to the biblical basis for this??It seems to me that all have "fallen short of the glory of God"
by lotus inhello, this is lotus jw hh {heavenly hope} i'm sorry you all are hurting, but why are you so mean to me?
im not a wild pig in the african savanah!
and you are gathering in packs i
Ok Lotus - at the risk of being duped again I will reply once more and offer for you to e-mail me directly so that we can take up a conversation. My e-mail address is open.
If you are sincere, then you are definately in pain and confusion and could use a friend who loves ALL people regardless of religion/preference/etc.
My e-mail is open - again, at the risk of being duped.
For everyone else on the board: I guess I'm just a sucker guys - but there was a time when I needed a helping hand...and I got I'm hoping to repay the favor.
April 20 is a sad anniversary for my family
by Mulan inon april 20, 1977, my brother's wife, janice, died as a result of complications from childbirth.
the baby, their only son, also died unnamed.
this is a photo of my brother and janice .
I am so sorry for your loss. No matter how much time has passed, the losss is always present.
May you always find some peace with friends that love you now, and I believe that you will someday find complete peace in heaven!!
A dilemma regarding the 144,000
by Five Gospels insome of the recent posts regarding the "anointed" got me thinking about some of the characters that i have met, or have known about, professing membership among this elite class of people.. one particular character i know of, even today espousing some, shall we say, interesting viewpoints on matters, had an even more interesting past.
it seems that some years ago (c. 1970's) a typically subdued but otherwise ordinary christian meeting was being closed with a prayer at a small kingdom hall in the north eastern usa when it was suddenly disrupted by this individual (even then professing to be anointed) assaulting his wife at the rear of the hall!
he was pretty much disfellowshiped on the spot for his indiscretion.
By the way...aren't the 144,000 supposed to be virgins?
Guess that's why it's taken so long for Armageddon to come - finding 144,000 virgins has got to be a pretty tough job!!
by getingout inbefore you jump the gun and start offering a friendly hand maybe you should take the advice given and do some reading & research here first.
you are going to be very surprised with what you find from these so-called loving x-witnesses.. let me give you a couple of examples.. go look up the topic: bryant memorial report.
read how sadden everyone was to learn of this man who couldnt deal with lifes problems and decided to become judge and jury for his whole family and took them out with a shot gun blast to head as they slept in their beds.
I am very skeptical of people who come here stating that they are faithful-100%-for-the-Watchtower-Society JWs because such a hardcore person wouldn't even stay here for a few moments after finding out it is a free and unregulated site
Right on Liberty - I agree with you on this point - I also would never read "apostate" postings or literature while I was still a JW. You definately have a point!
Do You Know My Underwear Size
by writerpen inokay - it amazes me the information i've seen you guys get about people on this board.
dawn started the post, "to lotus - what needs to change.
" sf responded to that post by exposing lotus through activity on another website.
Have you purchased any using a credit card??? We'll find out (tee hee - just kidding)