"For this is what Jehovah of armies has said, 'Following after [the] glory he has sent me to the nations that were despoiling you people, for he that is touching you is touching my eyeball. For here I am waving my hand against them, and they will have to become spoil to their slaves'."- Zechariah 2:8-9 NWT Revised 1984 version
This translation of the scripture is unique to Jehovah's Witnesses as far as I know. You can check this out for yourself on Bible Gateway. In fact in the NWT Revised 2013 edition it has been changed to, "touches the pupil of my eye."
(Please note that my posting was of a humorous nature to point out the ridiculous myopic viewpoint Jehovah's Witnesses have of their own self-importance on the 'world scene'.)