Respectfully I disagree, if NO ONE used the word it would still retain all it's power to shock and offend when a hate monger used it!
If EVERYONE used it then it would lose it's power completely.
I think everyone should use it at least 10 times a day for the next year and by the end of the year no one will CARE about that word anymore! If everyone got up in the morning walked out side and screamed NIGGGGGGGGGGGGER at the top of their lungs then when some pin head 80 year old KKK hate monger said it would anyone get offended? Would it automaticly get him on TV to spread his hate? NO, no one would even pay attention! To kill this word it needs to just be over used to the point that it means nothing!
By the way this is MKR posting on his wife's laptop so don't blame HER for the post! ;-)