Thanks for all the response.
Some have suggested that the responsibility my wife takes on is the root cause of her panic attacks. While this is possible, I know from talking with her it would only be a contributing factor. I don't want to invade her privacy by going into detail, maybe she will tell you guys someday.
We have tried to be very proactive with this, changing our diet, exercise routine, getting a cute puppy for long walks, visiting different psychiatrists, different health doctors, different medication, and still more things.
I am currently in my 2nd year attending college, my wife is considering going back as well. She is about 5 classes away from an AA, having taken many college courses during her junior and senior years in high school. Some on this board have encountered trouble from different ones in the congregation when deciding to attend school, to date I have not. Maybe this is because I don't let school interfere with my meeting and field service attendance. I don't plan on letting it either. I feel both are important.