While John 5:18 is from the narrator's point of view, in the next verse Jesus, through the same narrator, corrects the view that he is equal to God. He states that the Son can do nothing by himself. Rather, the Son can only do what he sees the Father doing.
Is it reasonable to think that Almighty God can do nothing by himself?
The claim that Jesus is 'divine in nature' can have many different meanings. Is he (a) God? John 1:1 seems to point the reader in that direction. However, Satan is also called a God in the Bible. What does this mean? Could it be that both have the same nature as God? Could they both be spirits?
Sorry for the lack of references, I am at work and have been mulling this over in my head all day. Maybe I just don't 'get' the Trinity right now. It seems so complex. I prefer Occam's razor, the answer with the fewest amount of assumptions.