Hi CunningMan,
Yes, I totally agree it could be a "misunderstanding," all I'm saying is that I wouldn't be surprized in the least if she was "dead-on" in repeating what was relayed to her. According to the WTS, it's usually a "misunderstanding" or "over-zealousness" on the part of the rank and file. The WTS leads its "witnesses" to believe something, and then ten years later, says it never actually stated such a thing. The WTS's "circle-talk."
That's why the WTS NEVER comes out and actually states anything anymore, it just "circle-talks" so it can blow off the responsibility of actually being a false prophet. Think about it, if the WTS just stated the TRUTH and stated that, since the BIBLE says that the end will come like a thief in the night, not even THEY know when the Great Tribulation will begin, well the WTS's membership would most likely plummet. That's what this organization has based its beliefs on since the beginning, that the END is right around the corner. Rutherford, who stated that a false prophet is one who predicts an occurence that fails to come to pass, wrote "Hence these faithful men may be expected on earth within the next few years." (The Harp of God - PROOF CONCLUSIVE THAT MILLIONS NOW LIVING WILL NEVER DIE, International Bible Students Association, 1924.)
And prior to Rutherford, the WTS has the great prophet, Russell, who based the end of the world on the dimensions of the Great Pyramid of Gizeh. Then, the WTS has its members shuffling mags to get into that New System because 1975 was most likely "it." (another "misunderstanding). All I'm pointing out is that with the WTS's track record, would anyone be surprized ? Either you're a false prophet or your not.