What do YOU believe the Governing Body teaches that has NOT been proven in the Bible?
1. the prophesy of the end of the world. Scriptures state no one will know when the end will come.
2. the shunning of family and enemies. Scriptures state teach your family the bible and guide them down that narrow path. Keep your enemies close to you.
3. Stealing is wrong. God allows the stealing of food if it is to be consume for hunger and eaten for that sole purpose.
4. scriptures in the NWT. Compared to the dead sea scrolls.
5. If you are a baptised jw and sin after baptism you fall from gods book of life. Scriptures state if you repent and do good you will gain 1 year of your life span year for 2 good deeds. However if you sin and do not do the good deeds you lose 2 years of your life span.
6. that the 144,000 are chosen . Scriptures reveal some of the 144,000 will fall from gods grace through sin and new ones will replace them from the earth.
too numerous to list all.