Satan doesn't do anything, he lies and tempts and tries to lead people away to show how underserving we are of God's grace BUT he doesn't do it, we do it.
So if I tell (or tempt) a child to fire the gun at someone and the child does and kills a person, I will not be charged with murder, right? I didn't do it, the child did it.
I didn't know Satan is OUR adversay, Not God's.
Satan tempted Christ do see to what extend Christ was human and how much of God he still was. Is Satan Jesus (God the Son) adversary also? Or is he only the adversary of the human part of Christ?
If Satan (the Beelzebub - Ruler of the demons) does not do anything, what about his demon servants? Reading the gospels, I get the impression that they are the ones DOING, using the possessed merely as puppets. Only after expelling them, do the humans get back their right mind. The possessed-person didn't do it, Satans servant did it. Read Mark 5:1-20 for example http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark+5%3A1-20&version=NIV
Is there one law for humans, another for demons?