Are you kidding me? They will make special preparations for repeated RV's before the end comes. lol
H2H Notes: Householders very open
JoinedPosts by freetosee
Jokes for JWs
by Mickey mouse indid you know moses wore a wig?.
sometimes he was seen with aaron and sometimes he wasn't..
Jokes for JWs
by Mickey mouse indid you know moses wore a wig?.
sometimes he was seen with aaron and sometimes he wasn't..
Q. Did Eve never have a date with Adam?
A. No, it was an apple. -
Jokes for JWs
by Mickey mouse indid you know moses wore a wig?.
sometimes he was seen with aaron and sometimes he wasn't..
Q. Where is the first math problem mentioned in the Bible?
A. When God told Adam and Eve to go forth and multiply.
Jokes for JWs
by Mickey mouse indid you know moses wore a wig?.
sometimes he was seen with aaron and sometimes he wasn't..
How do we know women don't go to heaven?
...there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. -Rev. 8:1
Jokes for JWs
by Mickey mouse indid you know moses wore a wig?.
sometimes he was seen with aaron and sometimes he wasn't..
Who is the largest woman in the bible?
The woman of Some-area
How many people on here have low self-esteem?
by Chemical Emotions ini do, so i was just curious.. i know the org tends to attract/cause/contribute to people having low self-esteem, so i figure a lot of people must have it as bad or worse than me..
I do. I believe everybody does. Sometimes more, sometimes less.
Awake openly mocked on website...
by Tuesday in
this is actually not a former witness or anything, this is a cracked style article.
i think it's pretty funny, i think it's evidence that the wt is not going to be around forever.
really funny!
New video about Racism and the Watchtower
by levicolemagic injust uploaded this vid about the watchtowers past racism.
let me know what you all think.. .
Personally I would prefer an introduction something like, "jw/wts claims not to be racist by following the bibles/jesus example... " But for those who believe in the bible it is just right.
I like the way you present the scriptures and wt quotes without being judgemental or aggressive. It is easy to follow and your voice sounds pleasant. -
Apple employees from the LGBT community have posted a video for the It Gets Better project.
by whereami ini think this was an uplifting and courageous video made by apple employees.
big thumbs up to apple for their courage in embracing their lgbt employees in this way.
as part of the it gets better campaign to end suicide among lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered youth, employees at apple have created a video with their stories about coming out and overcoming adversity, offering a rare glimpse into the personal lives of employees of the notoriously secretive company.. .
How does apple treat its employees in china?
New video about Racism and the Watchtower
by levicolemagic injust uploaded this vid about the watchtowers past racism.
let me know what you all think.. .
Good research of wt material!
I am not sure about the bible not being racist.
"I(Jesus)was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel." (Matthew 15:24)
Deut. 7:3-4: “You shall not intermarry with them, neither giving your daughters to their sons nor taking their daughters for your sons. For they would turn your sons from following me to serving other gods, and then the wrath of the Lord would flare up against you and quickly destroy you.”
This sounds like cultural discrimination to me.
I also find it disturbing how the Israelites were to slaughter the other races when they entered the promised land.
The Israelites took slaves, did they not?
Nevertheless, I like the video.