How about Randi, Penn, and Teller?
So all of your "arguments" came out of your own head?
Give me a break.
anyone had any experiences good or bad.
i'm interested in your stories.. .
How about Randi, Penn, and Teller?
So all of your "arguments" came out of your own head?
Give me a break.
anyone had any experiences good or bad.
i'm interested in your stories.. .
Logcal arguments?
Were they there?
Were you there?
This is like talking to a JW about the trinity.
Simply amazing.
Hey, you lurkers, you might as well stay where you are.
i totally disagree with the shunning practise and even as a jw i did not think it was a godly practise and refrained from it.. my jw gran has been admitted into frail care because her legs and feet are going numb.
i wanted to go visit her to offer help, be it financial, emotional, or even physical, but was told not to go as she still doesn't want anything to do with me.....your loss gran.. .
Go see her anyway.
Neither of you will regret it, especially Gran.
anyone had any experiences good or bad.
i'm interested in your stories.. .
Where have I EVER stated that invisible entities do my thinking for me? Where?
Answer the question, please.
anyone had any experiences good or bad.
i'm interested in your stories.. .
the last refuge of the man with no argumentA man with an experience who has been outnumbered by those who were not there, but insist they know what the actual experience was all about, or didn't you read the whole thread.
anyone had any experiences good or bad.
i'm interested in your stories.. .
while you seek the answers to life's questions from invisible entities who do your thinking for you, no matter whether those entities be found penning the pages of the Watchtower or moving the planchette on your Ouija board.cog,
I am not seeking answers to life's questions. I was merely relating an experience.
Where have I EVER stated that invisible entities do my thinking for me? Where?
My god, you people are sicker than I ever imagined.
Sicker than active JW's. Much sicker.
anyone had any experiences good or bad.
i'm interested in your stories.. .
Are you for real, or what?
You don't have to accept shit from my experience, and I don't accept shit from your explanations, EVEN THOUGH YOU, NOR ANYONE ELSE WAS THERE WHEN IT HAPPENED.
However, to cite the "rules", when you started the whole "what happened didn't happen" is just chickenshit.
Be a fucking man for a change. Take off the dress.
i would like to speak with a jw or anyone here who believes in god, and i would like in fact i dare you to find a reason why humans shouldnt use cannabis.
<--(marijuana) actually i will give you one and it is the only one that i have found.
the only reason i found is because in most places it is illegal and god says to respect there laws but anything besides this i believe is bs so again i dare u to give me a reason besides what i stated..
Funny, I tried hash a few times and didn't have any problems.
anyone had any experiences good or bad.
i'm interested in your stories.. .
About 14 to 1 (me) and you are going to the "rules".
I'll take all 14 on, in an alley like Bruce Lee, you little bitch.
Crying SOB .
You start the fight, but can't finish it, you asshole.
anyone had any experiences good or bad.
i'm interested in your stories.. .
Hey lime, you left out a few posts.