didn't you read? he *volunteered*! i bear no responsibility whatsoever.
Posts by puck
A Big Warm Hearted Thanks!
by bigwilly into those here that mad me feel welcome upon my recent return, i feel a bit like the prodigal son (poor analogy).. after making this my first board over a year ago, i have meandered the exdub cyber community and made many good friends as well as meeting some truly amazing people.
i feel i've established myself amongst the discussion boards and earned a reputation of sorts (hopefully positive).
i have always checked in here, tho sporatically, and recent board politics and accessability have led me back here.
A Big Warm Hearted Thanks!
by bigwilly into those here that mad me feel welcome upon my recent return, i feel a bit like the prodigal son (poor analogy).. after making this my first board over a year ago, i have meandered the exdub cyber community and made many good friends as well as meeting some truly amazing people.
i feel i've established myself amongst the discussion boards and earned a reputation of sorts (hopefully positive).
i have always checked in here, tho sporatically, and recent board politics and accessability have led me back here.
sorry, bw -- i'll deny it to your guy friends if it will help.
A Big Warm Hearted Thanks!
by bigwilly into those here that mad me feel welcome upon my recent return, i feel a bit like the prodigal son (poor analogy).. after making this my first board over a year ago, i have meandered the exdub cyber community and made many good friends as well as meeting some truly amazing people.
i feel i've established myself amongst the discussion boards and earned a reputation of sorts (hopefully positive).
i have always checked in here, tho sporatically, and recent board politics and accessability have led me back here.
yeah... and he's a good foot taller than me (was then, too, if i recall), so it was extra funny -- him staying in the "teepee", and me going out in the yard and "hunting".
A Big Warm Hearted Thanks!
by bigwilly into those here that mad me feel welcome upon my recent return, i feel a bit like the prodigal son (poor analogy).. after making this my first board over a year ago, i have meandered the exdub cyber community and made many good friends as well as meeting some truly amazing people.
i feel i've established myself amongst the discussion boards and earned a reputation of sorts (hopefully positive).
i have always checked in here, tho sporatically, and recent board politics and accessability have led me back here.
i'll see what i can do.
What do I tell my wife about the MORMONS?
by OnTheWayOut ina mormon declared his intention to run for president of the usa.. my wife starts talking about it and says that they are mainstream christianity.
except for the multiple-wives issue.. i told her that the official church doesn't allow the multiple wives, but i cannot .
see them as a normal mainstream religion.
have her read the book of mormon. not mainstream. i grew up in idaho/utah, and there are tons of mormons there, so we'd prepare for service by knowing some of their beliefs in order to talk to them. (i'm also "mormon royalty" -- brigham young is a many-times-great grandfather! ) unfortunately, i don't recall a great deal of things about them. they are not mainstream, though, imho.
A Big Warm Hearted Thanks!
by bigwilly into those here that mad me feel welcome upon my recent return, i feel a bit like the prodigal son (poor analogy).. after making this my first board over a year ago, i have meandered the exdub cyber community and made many good friends as well as meeting some truly amazing people.
i feel i've established myself amongst the discussion boards and earned a reputation of sorts (hopefully positive).
i have always checked in here, tho sporatically, and recent board politics and accessability have led me back here.
twinflame -- here's a little story about bw (i don't know if he'll remember...) :
when we were little, ten or so, his family would come over to our house and play. one time we were playing indians (not cowboys and indians, just indians) and i didn't want to be the squaw. i wanted to be the indian brave. so he volunteered to be the squaw. just a little snippet from childhood that never quite left me.
I woke myself up last night screaming "Jehovah"
by ButtLight ini think i replied to too many threads yesterday about demons and jehovah.
must have been in the back of my mind when i went to sleep.. i was dreaming that this ugly demon with a pointy hairy chin was after me.
i dont remember alot, but the end part.
i had a recurring dream for years, too -- there was a doll in my room, and i nudged it aside with my foot when i went into the hallway, and then it started flying through the air with a butcher knife and its eyes rolling in its head and chasing me. i'd run down the hallway (which of course was a million miles long) and hollering for my mom, who was in the kitchen at the other end of the hallway, watching soap operas (which she *never* did)... and she just didn't care. i don't think i slept for most of my formative years vecause of it. (maybe that explains why i'm short! lol) i'm still terrified of dolls -- i'm certain they'll come to life in the night and kill me.
I woke myself up last night screaming "Jehovah"
by ButtLight ini think i replied to too many threads yesterday about demons and jehovah.
must have been in the back of my mind when i went to sleep.. i was dreaming that this ugly demon with a pointy hairy chin was after me.
i dont remember alot, but the end part.
i know what you mean, buttlight -- after ten years, when i get scared (supernatural fears, like after i saw the ring) i still find myself saying "jehovah" over and over again in the back of my mind to keep me safe. dunno if i'll ever be able to turn that off entirely. :)
i've got a hot date! (it's ubercold outside, so it *better* be hot!)
Bracing for 12-16 inches of snow in Indiana
by exwitless ina blizzard is heading our way tonight and tomorrow.
they've already cancelled schools ahead of time.
good thing i have a huge stash of home made hot chocolate mix!
i'm in buffalo and we've got crazy wind blowing the snow every which way. it's blowing hard enough to force snow through the little gaps in the window frames. guess i'm resealing all the windows today!