Let me begin by saying I was raised in a Witness household.
Now That I am older I like to question things and see where they really come from. I always found it strange that so many people would blinding think they the Society has ANY real power or knowledge.
First of all the origins are probably evil. As RUSSEL was a 33rd degree mason, and founed Skull And Bones an evil satanic cult AND Jehovah's witnesses? Plus the RUSSLE's are said to be from the 13 satanic bloodlines of the ILLUMINAIT?
Now another thing Jehovah is not the real way to say God' name. People who have deeper knowledge of the way to say devine names know that YHWH is the tetrgramtron and can be said many ways.
But the thing I find weird is HOW in HELL would a relgion who was started by a MASON be good?
Who really is pulling the strings in bethal? And what is the REAL agenda.
Also I find it funny how the members money pays for all the people in Bethal an the overseers expenses.
Why don't they get off their butt and get a a job?
Does now the bible say!?? Let he who does not WORK not EAT!???
AM I RIGHT here people? what makes them so special? I don;t see them having healing powers or bring able to leveitate or fly around... lol How do they have any esoteric power?
Also I have read things where The WATCH TOWER has a magicakly connection to enochian magicak.
I don't know how to investigate or prove this. But I would like for some one to provide me with websites and documentation of these facts.
For one my mother was scared when I showed her the Illuminati EYE and Pyramid on C T RUSSLES grave.
and the wings of RA on a JW buidling in New York.
SOme please shed some light on this.
I was thinking of joining this religion.. but after seeing so many things connectied to Illuminait and other un answered questions... I cannot see why I should join them.
Oh and their Jedi Mind Tricks don't work on me!
ONLY MONEY! Like Watto on Star Wars said...
if anyone could give me info or anwer any of these Questions is would be appreciated!