Shamus, Thanks to G.W. Bush, Cheney, etc, BP and others were let on the loose. Given permits to drill with a wink, wink and a promise to be good.
Thats why OBama was so angry and mentioned MMS being cozy with with big oil. They were given leases at the drop of a hat, and that agency of our Government were caught partying big time with the Oil companies. Receiving goodies, including, booze, prostitutes etc.
Testing of their equipment was virtually ignored, and even now it's come to light, that the people who are suppose to be over seeing their testing turn a blind eye.....or don't even bother to show up.
Limits and restrictions set on BP in other countries are non existant here. Don't forget Dick Cheney ran Haliburton until he became the Vice President. After that, Haliburton managed to get every possible contract available with the government, oil, the wars, name it. Cheney actually had closed door private meetings with the oil companies with no one allowed in or notes to be taken while he was V.P. of the United States.
Hence our present situtation.....