JoinedTopics Started by DianeW
Watchtower Study/Bible Study...
by DianeW incan you tell me why in your nwt of the bible john 20:28 says, "in answer tomas said to him, "my lord and my god!
"" (captial g) to the resurrected jesus, however in john 1:1 it says, "in the begining the word was, and the word was with god, and teh word was a god.
" (lower case g) and then since jws have said that he (jesus) is a creation (the first creation, archangel) in your very own nwt it says in john 1:3 "all things came into existence through him, and apart from him not even one thing came into existence.. it would seem to me that if all things came into existence through him, and apart from him not even one thing came into existence, then he must be god and not archangel.
We got DF'd/ Assoc. Press called
by ARoarer inwell we got the phone call from the elder to let us know of the decision to disfellowship us.
the one elder called while the other sat on the phone as a "witness".
the second elder was once a close friend.