Have you considered that perhaps those dirty old men who have allowed this type of abuse for more years than you care to open your eyes and see are also only imperfect men? Who says they are annointed? Them? Have you ever asked an anointed person how they know they are anointed? I have, they have said that it was way too profound for me to understand. (I guess I'm just a lowly and stupid ol' slob.)
Your comment is quite out of line. Have you ever heard the expression it's better to appear foolish than to open your mouth and remove all doubt? Your comment does, indeed, fall under this catagory. Turn your back on "Jehovah's Organization?" A question I recently asked my parents, If Jehovah always had an organization, where was this organization between the time of the death of the apostles and the late 1800's? There was no answer for me. Because there is no answer to a lie.
Please, remove your blinders and begin to see fact for what it is.
I'd be curious to ask you what you think about the problem that is occurring in the Catholic church? Is there some difference because these men are not considered by your own mind the "chose organization of Jehovah?" It seems by your post that you live by a double standard. You see, the Catholics not only believe their religion to be the "Chosen organization of God" but they believe their leader is infallible. And they profess this openly. Unlike JWs who do not profess openly that the Gov. Body are infallible, and yet, comments like yours show the twisted minds they produce. You see, it's much like Satan's tactics. He lies, just as they lie. They say, "Oh, no we're only human, we're not infallible" and yet, they produce fruit such as yourself, who would belittle a sister of yours in their favor.
I have only this to say, KUDOS to the Catholics for CLEANING UP THEIR CONGREGATIONS unlike JWs who REFUSE TO DO SO.
I hope you can sleep peacefully tonight now that you've cast the first stone (please see John chapter 8).