It's so nice to read of active elders here who are waking up to injustices and falsehoods in the organisation (at least they should be kinder on their way out) - but also so refreshing to see that we don't have to let that destroy our faith entirely. I really respect the atheists/agnostics out there, they've done their research and made a conscientious choice, but for me I think I want to continue to believe, basing my faith on the teachings and example of Jesus and not what some humans tell me to do/not to do.
I am very early in my 'doubting', I'm not sure right now where I'll end up - if I'll keep attending in some fashion, for family (husband unfortunately is blind as blind can be) or if I'll go inactive quite quickly. What I do know is that already I am finding such mental relief from the fog clearing and letting go of the guilt, anxiety, and people-pleasing that we are coerced into feeling in this organisation. If I want to say thank you to God/Jesus/Jehovah for a lovely day, a nice meal, or for my family - or if I want to read some verses from the Bible - I'll do so because I want to and in private, I will no longer feel I HAVE to do a certain amount of hours or attend a certain amount of meetings EVER AGAIN! hooray!