I share your frustration, mentally I'm still only doubting, I haven't completely rejected the org yet but it drives me crazy that my husband won't even THINK for himself; here's some examples of our recent exchanges;
Me: do you honestly think you could ever shun our daughter? Imagine she was df'd, 18, pregnant, living alone, could you really shun her because we're told to?
Answer: I'd do what's best for Jehovah and our daughter, the only way that ever works is doing things Jehovah's way.
Me: look at these reports of child abuse, even elders have done it, and stayed as elders to abuse more because their weren't 2 witnesses ...etc etc.
answer: what are you reading?, (me: newspapers and court docs) him: we don't know the facts, the media are probably making it up, (me; if it was about the Catholic Church you wouldn't say that. plus there are so many personal accounts online of witnesses who have been abused, they break your heart) him: how do you know it isn't an apostate that makes those stories up?
Me: do you know the 'millions now living will never die' campaign promised Armageddon and the resurrection would happen in 1925? him: I don't think so actually (sarcastic)
Me: people sold their homes and gave up jobs before 1975, the org must have strongly suggested the end was coming then, otherwise they wouldn't have done those things. Him: the WT never said that, people just got over excited.
me: don't you think we should let our kids develop their friendships naturally and be able to socialize with the people they like, otherwise we could stunt their natural social skills and it lead to frustration and rebellion? Him: if that method worked, the org would tell us to do it that way, but they don't, 'bad associations....'
Then if it gets too much: anger and shouting : 'I don't want to hear anything, I mean ANYTHING negative about the faithful and discreet slave, it upsets me, stop talking about it'
who knew to be a JW we had to put our brains on the shelf?