anyone under 45 just don’t care for the BS but continue because their parents are in the other camp.
I know of many in this camp.
i see lots of names here that i don't know, and with the wt on a campain to keep its followers from looking at "unaproved sites" .
i've got to wonder.....what are the stats?
how many are leaving ?
dear brothers,.
you might want to consider this letter in the 'questions from readers' section of the watchtower.. my question is this: i would like to join the catholic church and at the same time keep my standing and position in the congregation!
the reason being is that i have heard that the vatican has a very good and complete library which i would like to avail myself of.
well, another jw is now an ex-jw.
not going back.
that makes 8 since june or so of 2005, not counting the df's that won't be going back.. woo-hoo!
i could not have a big new kids on the block pin, or wear any new kids on the block pins in puplic becuase it was considered idolatry.
i also could not wear my shoes without laces (it was cool back then) because it looked wordly.
what other strange theings besides the usual holiday/birthday stuff weren't you allowed to do?
did you have moments after you left the organization when you felt alive for the first time?
when you realized that you had just been drudging around with your head down, enduring rather than living.
when that huge burden was lifted from your shoulders and you saw the world not for the place of darkness and pain that the witnesses made it out to be but for all the wonder in it?
i've been lurking here and reading for a couple of months now.
i was also a jw for a few years but got myself dfed when i started asking difficult questions, wouldn't stop asking them, and kept pointing out how the wts didn't make any sense.
i am an unrepentent rebellious one who was warned and publically reproved until finally i finally had it out with the elders and they showed me the door.
the witnesses are always trying to scare the faithful by telling them that if they don't adhere to the teachings and lifestyle of the brotherhood-----that bad things are going to happen to them.
for example, they might tell you of brother regret who left the "truth", had "fun" in the "world" and then got aids.
now he's back in the "truth" but he only has months to live................can you think of other examples of how the witnesses try to spook the rank and file?
our congregation had some of the best circuit overseers money could buy!.
the october 15th watchtower gives advice on social gatherings.
try not to throw up or pee your pants laughing at some of the advice!.
'paragraph 5 page 24.. 'many hosts have faced the issue of whether to serve alcoholic beverages.
It sounds like they are just getting worse and worse! How do they keep anybody?
I don't know how long you have been out, but I can assure you, it has become much worse. People are burnt out with this kind of stuff. I've said this before, if org keeps up the way they are controlling people, it will implode on iteslf. They won't need anyone to take them down.