This is going to sound a little bit blunt, and may introduce a certain level of discomfort. I assure you nothing but good direction is being offered, if you keep an open mind. This will require a good deal of supplemental information and experience, but is intended as a primer for what you need to know immediately after learning TTATT.
The JW version of "morality" is not morally superior to the world in general. Not at all. Period. It only appears that way for two reasons: 1. This is how it was always presented to you; and 2. Religions such as JW are very good at drawing comparison between their "morals" and the worst examples of moral failure in society. A well balanced, properly educated, conscientious person, (most of society to varying degrees), is not represented by the comparisons drawn by the WTS or any extreme religious group. As an extension of the second point, the WTS' policies prevent a person from becoming the very well educated, balanced and conscientious person they could become. This is a prime example of self-fulfilling prophesy, and precisely why many who are raised JW "go off the deep end", when they leave. The fact is they still "believe" they will fail, and as a result, they often do.
As to your point about "using mind altering substances" as the only means enjoy one's self, see points 1and 2 above. A person whose life revolves around such is probably not well educated and balanced. On the other hand, some of these substances, (such as marijuana and alcohol), can be used in moderation, when appropriate. This should be obvious, however to one raised in a very black and white environment like the JWs, it might not be, so I am pointing it out. Be careful not to let a bad choice of BF or GF on your part color your understanding of humanity in general. Give yourself time to experience life, educate yourself, and then assess what fits and what does not. This is the only way to lose the black and white thinking, and it does take some time.