Thank you all, (especially those with direct anecdotal experience), for your replies. Many of the anecdotes confirm similar situations my friend spoke of, and my brief encounter with Sydlik at lunch in Little Italy 25 years ago. I think the common thread that can be seen is that he, (along with a few others such as Swingle, perhaps), were decent people themselves, that unfortunately allowed their company man status, (really the only status they could possibly have at that level), to bring out the worst of their humanity when certain situations allowed for that, (e.g. Sanchez, Dunlap, etc.). On the other hand, it seemed Sydlik was a moderating force in a system still very much operating under the Knorr template. Life committed to a cult is a bitch, especially for its leaders in some respects, I suppose.
I would disagree with those that claim he was some closet apostate, however. He was from a different time, when the newly created GB perhaps thought it could affect change away from the Knorr/Franz model. Of course, that was both naive and impossible, since the system itself is authoritarian in nature, and as a result, inherently very flawed. The current GB, not surprisingly, clearly has no one left of the 1970s mindset. The immediate goals of the GB's existence today are quite different from what they were then.
It is a given that any one individual or group of individuals that somehow actually believe they solely represent god has the potential to do some very serious harm to those that actually believe in them. In other words, while the system itself is evil to the core, well meaning individuals will end up doing some very harmful things both directly and ambiently, to those that followed their delusional course. Perhaps the worst of that abuse is brought about by sincerity itself, since this quality has the unfortunate insidious effect of convincing others of one's "correctness" of their course of action. I think this gets to the core of why many, (my JW friend included), continue to believe and follow these sincere ones' course to their own demise. It is probably a good thing the current GB are as megalomaniacal as they are. This in of itself is waking people up.