It takes a certain level of intelligence and an ability to realize that more than one element is involved in producing any outcome. It also takes a certain level of patience and willingness to realize we do not understand everything, much less directly control everything, and that a certain degree of stochastic processes assist in determining any outcome. Conspiracy theorists tend to look for overly simplistic, causative reasons for particular outcomes. This type of thinking is almost always wrong, as the universe is not that simple.
Unfortunately, our culture enables, encourages and rewards this type of thinking. We often hear about the merits of the KISS principle, for example. What we almost never hear, is the other side of what is required for "keeping it simple", to actually work. Answers need to be complete enough to explain all possible observed aspects of any outcome. If they are too simple, facts either get ignored or purposely left out due to cognitive biases. Conspiracy theories always lack explanation for at least some parts of any outcome.