My music taste was well established by the time I was baptized at 15. Same stuff you were/are into, Doors, Hendrix, Zep, Beatles, Who, Sabbath, etc. I remember early on, a rather cool slightly older sister, who used to drive me to meetings occasionally before I drove, (she had same music taste as I did), told me some nonsense about demonic messages in playing Stairway backwards. She was indeed cool enough to say, "Do what you want with that information", but stupid, guilty me decided to throw all of my Led Zep out. Idiot...That was in 1988, (incidentally, that same year, there was an MS in our hall that was a VP at Atlantic Records at the time, and went to Atlantic's 40th Anniversary show, where a reunited Zep actually played. His wife was a BIG Led Zep fan...). I bought it all back in the early 90s. I never let that happen again.
I learned early on to keep my music to myself, until I got to know people. Over the years, I learned that many JWs listened to the same stuff I did.