After having read this threat I am convinced of one thing more than anything else.
Man I am I ever glad that I will never ever ever ever have to put up with their petty bull$hit again. Ever.
tonight would have been my long meeting but i didn't attend.
however, my wife attended and she just came back and told me about an announcement they made in the form of a "letter to all congregations..." aparently they (wts) want everyone to be prepared for disasters and measures will be taken to make sure congregations and their members are prepared.
each member will provide their number, cell numbers, and numbers of close relatives.
After having read this threat I am convinced of one thing more than anything else.
Man I am I ever glad that I will never ever ever ever have to put up with their petty bull$hit again. Ever.
i've been wondering why the gb chose to include a weekday for the district conventions.
is it to test how loyal the members will be if they have to choose between their religion and work?
or are there other reasons?
But if money was the main reason, shouldn't they have stuck with a 4-day assembly then?
They run the risk of having lower attendance as many would be unable to get the extra day off from work. It's a compromise.
I remember the 8 and 7 day assemblies. They really happened.
i understand there are active elders and ministerial servants on these boards.
if a witness spoke with you in private about doubts/questions they have about wts doctrine or the like, would you encourage that person to continue investigating?
what if that witness outright declared the organization as a wicked or not directed by god?.
dfed if you are baptized or they will mark you as a bad association
A win/win situation in my books.
ok.... just trying to find a better understanding here.... no stupid posts like, "...because it's the governing body.
" - please.. ok.... how do the witness justify the bible and at the same time condem catholicism et all.... i mean, the books in the bible were picked by the council of nicea - which according the the witnesses - were part of the great appostasy and sanctioned by the same group of religious leaders they condemn..
I'm sure that a Witness could say, "Well Jehovah can use wicked people to accomplish his means..."
So my thought is... "Then why can't he still do that today and use Christendom..."
I think that blind faith leaves one open to all sort of strange and improbable possibilities.
ok.... just trying to find a better understanding here.... no stupid posts like, "...because it's the governing body.
" - please.. ok.... how do the witness justify the bible and at the same time condem catholicism et all.... i mean, the books in the bible were picked by the council of nicea - which according the the witnesses - were part of the great appostasy and sanctioned by the same group of religious leaders they condemn..
With all due respect, I believe that the reason is as simple as this...
Another example of the double-speak that the wt is so good at spinning. Other than that, I don't think there is another viable explaination.
just heard this today from a very reliable source.
anybody else hear this?
one day they'd have to all move to the country and would have a special diet.
Watchliar corn perhaps?
it is recognized that the society allows the mexican brothers to buy their government military cards, but what would happen if that country suddenly decided to call up all those registered members - including all those brothers?
if a card carrying member suddenly was called upon to bear arms and fight, what would the watchtower do?
how could they object when they allowed the illegal activity in the first place and would they try and disfellowship all those hundreds or thousands who scammed the system?
I think that the watchliar society would just ignore it. Mexico is to close to home to make it an issue. The press would kill them.
can anyone understand a bloody word the man wrote?.
i am trying really hard.
have read archaeology of knowledge and part of the order of things.
You're on you own with this one mate. I only read books with pretty pictures. Lots of pretty pictures.
Good luck though...
i have been one of jehovah's witnesses for about 9 years before i became inactive.
i just had some comments i'd like to make.. i think the reason why i'm inactive now is because i've come to a point in my life where i feel obligated to admit that i just don't know.
at one time i was as fiery and zealous of a witness as anyone could be but i had this nagging feeling that i really didn't know what i was talking about when i was witnessing to people.
Welcome to the board.
hey everyone,.
my hubby and i decided it is time to sell our little starter home and buy something a bit bigger.
one reason we are doing this now is that my sister who is developementally delayed and lives in ny needs a new place to stay.
Good luck. The first time is always a bit nerve racking. You'll do just fine, and once you are in the new place, you will wonder why you worried in the first place.
Every journey begins with a single step. Never be afraid to take that step.