Thank you for sharing your story with me.
I have been a member of this forum for a long time but never posted much here because quite frankly, some of the folks here were just out right mean spirited. I wish I would have been more active here when you needed someone who was not tainted by the JW experience to help you when you needed it the most. I was never a JW. But I loved someone who was a "born in". I understand that it is very hard to un-learn all the indoctrinations that come with being subjected to this cult. Mainly the doctrines that deminish the Holy Spirit and Jesus as being "less than" God are the core issues, all that other junk is just distraction from the real issues. If you believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead (literally) you will be saved. You are not defective or lacking as you do not need to do "works" to be saved. Just believe God and trust him. Trust is a funny thing. When you can't "feel" Him, you have to trust His word that He will never leave you or forsake you. Trusting Him is especially hard when you have been deceived by a mind control cult that deliberately undermined that trust. You said you wanted to be used by God to help others and when God didn't give you some type of divine revelation you figured He must not exist because you didn't get what you wanted when you wanted it so badly.
Anyway, I am sorry you didn't find the answers you were seeking. I feel sorry also for the ones that put stumbling blocks in your faith walk. Those atheist that deliberately squashed your faith. The consequences for their words and actions will be harsh. (Matthew 18).
My "self-righteousness" is no better than a nasty menstral rag... Thank God I have Jesus' rightesousness. Whew! Thank you Jesus! (Romans chapter 3, verse 22 and 26 especially and Romans chapter 5 verse 17 especially)
I guess you didn't bother to listen to the song on Youtube... The Voice of Truth is The Holy Spirit.
As for wanting to pray for you with my "born again" friends, yes I used your real name as you were the one that "put it out there" Actually, YOU put it out there in one of your first post on THIS forum.. you even mentioned your specific kingdom hall .. and on that other site you even posted a picture of your kingdom hall... so "outing" you was not the issue. You outed yourself.
I asked my friends to help me to pray for you because you are such a hate filled person. I felt like praying for you was like praying for the devil. They helped me to see you in a different light and we would still be praying for you if you had not demanded we take the thread down.
You said that Science would save you and you would never give God the Glory for healing you of your cancer. That is why I do not pray for your body to be healed until your heart is healed.
The Stone that the builders rejected became the cornerstone...